Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Coronavirus : et si la Corée du Sud avait trouvé la bonne stratégie ?

    La réaction immédiate de la Corée du Sud face à la pandémie a permis de réduire la croissance rapide du nombre de cas de personnes infectées par le Covid-19. Le pays a donné la priorité au dépistage massif, au criblage systématique, et à la responsabilisation collective.

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  • Mass testing, alerts and big fines: the strategies used in Asia to slow coronavirus

    As countries around the world work to slow the spread of coronavirus, several places including Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Macau have reported success from a handful of methods. Mass testing is a common factor throughout each, but financial incentives for self-quarantine, temperature checks at small businesses, and complimentary hand sanitizersr are a few other solutions that have shown promise.

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  • 코로나19: 한국은 어떻게 이렇게 빨리, 많은 양의 검사를 할 수 있었나

    진단 제품 긴급사용승인제도, 선별진료 및 드라이브스루 진료, 정확도 높은 검사법 채택 등을 통해 한국은 단시간 내에 기록적인 양의 코로나19 검사를 시행할 수 있었습니다.

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  • What the U.S. Can Learn From Taiwan's Response to Coronavirus

    After being caught off-guard during the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan developed a public health infrastructure to help prepare them for another. With the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, their number of cases have stayed low because of heightened surveillance for those who travel, the linking of insurance and immigration databases, combating misinformation through an educational campaign, and early plans for child care, businesses, and schools.

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  • Inside a Seattle-area hospital on the front lines of the nation's first major coronavirus outbreak

    It was a "longshot" that resulted in doctors at a Seattle-area hospital diagnosing the first cases of coronavirus, but how they responded may serve as a model to other hospitals attempting to contain the spread further. From staff trained on incident management and a drive-through testing site that serve the health-care workers to a dedicated floor for treating the patients who have tested positive, the hospital has been able to successfully stop any internal spreading.

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  • NC community centers prepare for COVID-19

    Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, North Carolina's health centers are relying on old methods to reach and educate uninsured and medically vulnerable patients, many of whom don't have access to the internet. Staff are posting fliers in commonly-trafficked locations, hanging signs at health centers, taking out television ads, and asking community leaders to relay hygiene guidelines by word of mouth.

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  • Albishirin Ku: Community Dialogues for better Mother and Child Health in Sokoto

    Throughout Sokoto State in Nigeria, community conversations are taking place as part of an awareness campaign to encourage community members to change their perceptions of maternal health and safe-birth practices. The conversations, which are held with both women and men's groups, have resulted in an increase in health center visits and family planning outreach.

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  • Seattle Health Care System Offers Drive-Through Coronavirus Testing For Workers

    Health care workers at the University of Washington are now able to get tested for coronavirus via a drive-through. Providing both convenience and safety by limiting exposure of the potentially ill, the test only takes five minutes and those tested usually get their results within a day.

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  • [크랩] IQ 180, 39세 장관이 해결한 대만 ‘마스크 대란'

    신종 코로나바이러스 확산 초기, 마스크 대란에 대처하기 위해 대만 정부는 '마스크 실명제', '마스크 맵' 서비스 등을 주도적으로 시행하며 위기에 적극적으로 대응하는 모습을 보여주었습니다.

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  • South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.

    South Korea's nationwide coronavirus testing measures are showing that the death rate for the virus may not be as high as initially reported while also offering lessons to other countries about the best practices for mitigating epidemics. Although the United States is now beginning to utilize partnerships to address limited testing procedures, South Korea's response allowed for patients to be diagnosed an an earlier and faster rate.

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