Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Denver's Disability Activists Transformed the City

    Disability activists have used nonviolent direct action for decades, including lying in the street to protest inaccessible public transit and crawling up the steps of the U.S. Capital to support the Americans with Disabilities Act. “We have never gone out a door that we do not have a solution for,” says ADAPT member Dawn Russell. “That’s ADAPT 101.”

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  • Backpack-Sized Archiving Kit Empowers Community Historians to Record Local Narratives

    The Archivist In a Backpack kit developed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill contains the essential elements for oral history collection including recorders, notepads, and thank you cards. The university is partnering with other organizations to distribute these kits and foster oral history gathering activities.

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  • How movie stars conquered the ‘gig economy'

    For contingent workers in what is often called the "gig economy," securing access to benefits, retirement, and other markers of job security can be a struggle. However, the success of the Screen Actors Guild and other labor unions for those in the entertainment industry in the 20th century might provide a useful framework for organizing for a 21st century labor market.

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  • Jordan's young protesters say they learned from Arab Spring mistakes

    Protesters opposing a proposed income tax hike in Jordan stayed away from polarizing language and avoided proposing structural changes to the political system, a shift away from rhetoric used during the Arab Spring. “This is a Jordanian movement for the core causes that affect all Jordanians: taxes, unemployment, and corruption,” said Mohammed Hussein, a 26-year-old protester. “We do not want a group to hijack this movement for their own agendas.”

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  • Cities are crowdfunding more. But is it fair to ask the people to pay?

    Governments in the United Kingdom, the United States, and elsewhere use crowdfunded donations to restore historic areas and fund new developments. The approach can build democratic participation and community cohesion while plugging budgetary holes from falling tax revenue.

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  • East L.A., 1968: ‘Walkout!' The day high school students helped ignite the Chicano power movement

    In 1968 Mexican students organized one of the largest high school walkouts in U.S. history, demanding better education and equal treatment. There efforts proved successful and lead to administrative changes. “A year after the walkouts, UCLA’s enrollment of Mexican Americans soared from 100 to 1,900. Over the decades, college enrollment increased from 2% to 25% nationwide. Chicano studies programs were founded at colleges and universities across the nation. More Mexican Americans also entered the ranks of vice principals and principals in the Los Angeles Unified School District."

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  • How Saguaro National Park Hopes To Catch Prickly Cacti Thieves

    The National Park Service has resorted to microchipping hundreds of saguaro. Despite extensive legal protections, the iconic cacti are going missing. Rangers can only read the microchip by scanning a suspect cactus, but they hope this move will serve as an additional deterrent to would-be thieves hoping to cash in on the demand for saguaro among building owners.

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  • Native Language Schools Are Taking Back Education

    One night Jessie Little Doe Baird had a dream. Her ancestors told her it was time to bring back the Wôpanâak language to her community. The dream helped launch the the Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project, which later led to the Mukayuhsak Weekuw preschool. 20 students are enrolled and the entire curriculum is in the Wôpanâak language.

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  • Hole in the Fence

    In the 1980s the Mexican economy falls and a surge of undocumented immigrants begin crossing the Rio Grande river into El Paso, TX. Border Patrol agents begin stopping and questioning high school students near the border in Bowie High School. After one of the high school teachers finds out, the students began to organize, eventually suing border patrol for infringing on their constitutional rights. Ultimately, the high school students win a landmark civil rights case. “We couldn’t believe we took on the federal government and won.”

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  • Two Stow families teach a community racial acceptance

    To promote racial understanding in a mostly white neighborhood in the 1950s, two families led by example. They nurtured a lasting friendship, performed skits at PTA meetings, and even co-led a Girl Scouts troop.

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