Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How high-tech replicas can help save our cultural heritage

    Factum Arte creates replicas of art and artifacts through cutting edge technology and careful detail. These replicas are used to create access, preserve fragile originals, and replace objects that have been destroyed.

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  • Spaces and moments of leisure

    Collecting movies shot on cellphones, the Mera Karachi Mobile Cinema captures every day life in Karachi as seen through its residents. The films are projected in non-traditional spaces for Karachi residents as well as through the use of a rickshaw-powered projector.

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  • Can Raton rise again?

    Raton, a town once surrounded by eight coal mines, now has a main street of boarded-up buildings. There is reason for optimism as the town diversifies its local economy, betting on "a mix of small manufacturing businesses, health care and specialty services, and hospitality for travelers" to endure the sudden decline in mining revenue. Its calculated revitalization may hold lessons for other towns.

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  • Kha'p'o Community School Returns K-6 Education to Pueblo Control

    Kha'p'o Community School recently became the first of six Native American Community Academy schools in New Mexico and, after two years of planning, is now entirely under tribal control. Its educational model brings tribal language and project-based learning focused on tribal identity into the classroom. This model teaches the importance of cultural preservation and prepares the children who will someday be leading the very tribe that they are being educated in.

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  • Reconciliation: A Tale of Two Seas

    Sectarian conflict in Bahrain has torn friends and families apart, splitting the country into Sunni versus Shi’a. To soften the divisions, Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation and Civil Discourse has hosted at least one event every month since its founding in 2012, inviting people from all ideologies to participate. These events include dialogue dinners, seminars, and even exchange trips to Northern Ireland and South Africa to learn about reconciliation experiences in those countries.

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  • One Foot in the Levant

    In the face of terror and war, art and history needed protection. A group of professors, activists, archeologists, and historians created a network to preserve and protect art and history in Syria.

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  • Two words for Hillary if she wants to connect with the financially struggling: “Postal banking”

    Postal banking used to be the norm in the United States, just as it is throughout Europe, helping poor and immigrant families save money, transfer funds, and even get small loans. The model is ripe for a comeback. Today, check cashers and payday lenders slap big fees on services that could easily be provided - without a profit-seeking motive - through the postal system infrastructure.

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  • Curing Violence Like an Infectious Disease

    Neighborhoods in Chicago suffer from gang violence and gun-related deaths. A church leader and a physician trained in infectious diseases created Cure Violence, a program that sends teams of local residents to meet with gang leaders as a means of producing positive behavioral change by re-setting social norms. Their approach has reduced violence between 40% and 70%.

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  • Repurposing historic buildings on Detroit's medical campuses

    Two local hospital systems have worked diligently to balance the preservation of the historic character of their campuses with the need to keep their facilities state-of-the-art. Communities have chosen to repurpose old medical buildings instead of demolishing them and losing the history of the site.

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  • A New Way to Commemorate Atrocity

    Memorials are being created at rapid rates these days, but they seem to lack a long-term effect on the public. The Chicago Torture Justice Memorials project seeks to change this pattern by putting out an international call for memorial proposals, wanting a variety in visions and a collective memorial, in order to remember the torture of black detainees and racialized police misconduct.

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