Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Long before coronavirus, Philly ran a quarantine center for another deadly contagion

    From 1802 until 1895, Philadelphia ran a quarantine center that required all in-bound ships to stop and all on-board to be quarantined until cleared of any possible infectious diseases. Although the center is no longer in use, it provides a unique history lesson for the current coronavirus pandemic of the success that can come by restricting movement to prevent further spread.

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  • One church's tale of two pandemics, 100 years apart

    The quarantines and shelter-in-place orders that many cities in the United States are enacting today to combat the coronavirus pandemic can be compared to similar tactics taken in 1918 to stop the spread of influenza pandemic. However, with modern-day technology, churches in particular are finding that they are better able to safely reach their members through the use of video conferencing rather than door-to-door visits. For a Los Angeles church, this is part of a comprehensive approach that aims to abide by social distancing requirements while still helping those in need.

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  • What a Solidarity Economy Looks Like

    The local government in Maricá, a small municipality in Brazil, is being said to have initiated "the most ambitious city-level response to COVID-19 in Brazil, and one of the most notable in the world." Even before the coronavirus spread, the city worked on the premise of mutual aid, which included a universal basic income and a solidarity economy. In the context of the coronavirus, these proactive policies are now emerging as examples of how a democratized economy can result in a region being better positioned to withstand a public health crisis.

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  • How Taiwan has become a COVID-19 success story

    Taiwan was expected to be inundated with COVID-19 cases, but that never happened at least in part due to the swift and aggressive actions enacted by the government. Integral to the approach was enhanced transparency from the government, which included text messages to those who were quarantined, as well as using lessons learned from the SARS outbreak.

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  • How some cities ‘flattened the curve' during the 1918 flu pandemic

    What can the 1918 Spanish Flu teach us about how we can effectively respond to the 2020 coronavirus? Researchers are comparing the death rates during the Spanish Flu in different U.S. cities to see which governments' methods were most effective at flattening the curve.

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  • A Pandemic And A Parade: What 1918 tells us about flattening the curve

    Enacting social distancing and mass closures of schools, businesses, and other industries during the times of virus outbreaks has been shown to slow the waves of infection, as first witnessed during the era of the Spanish Flu when one American city acted proactively while another did not. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, areas that began social distancing practices sooner are already reporting a flattened curve of cases, which helps hospitals avoid overcrowding.

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  • Polio Epidemic Offers Guidance For Getting Through COVID-19

    Epidemics aren't new in the United States, and past outbreaks can provide lessons for the current coronavirus pandemic. Specifically looking at the polio epidemic that paralyzed parts of the country, studies of individual American cities show the difference rapid intervention strategies, such as school closures and crowd size limitations, make.

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  • This chart of the 1918 Spanish flu shows why social distancing works Audio icon

    As coronavirus continues to spread around the world, social distancing is being implemented due to its proven success with helping to drastically slow the spread of the Spanish flu in St. Louis Missouri. In a comparison of St. Louis and Philadelphia – a city that did not institute social distancing practices – limiting the time in public spaces helped to keep per capita flu-related deaths in St. Louis "to less than half of those in Philadelphia."

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  • The Nazis and the Trawniki Men

    For 28 years, the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations, stripped more than 100 people of U.S. citizenship and deported them for their direct participation in Nazi war crimes. The most successful Nazi-hunting operation in the world, OSI’s painstaking investigations – historical research combined with criminal sleuthing and international diplomacy – pried needed records from other nations’ files in order to prove that post-war refugees who ended up in America had immigrated under false pretenses, hiding their true role in the Holocaust’s extermination camps.

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  • Digital platforms help to save traditional Nepalese homes

    A Nepalese company called Traditional Homes was formed in order to restore traditional Newari homes to prevent them from being demolished. The houses are by the indigenous Newar people of the Kathmandu Valley and boast beautiful latticed windows and courtyards. These small restoration projects have taken off thanks to websites like TripAdvisor and Not only does the money go directly to the locals supporting the new bed-and-breakfasts, but tourists also receive an authentic and homey experience.

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