Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Dejte nám šanci. Princip stabilního bydlení Housing First se šíří Českem

    Ubytovny pro sociálně slabé občany jsou předražené a nenabízí životní stabilitu. Alternativu přináší projekt Housing First, který se po úspěšném pilotním spuštění v Brně začal šířit Českem. Pomáhá lidem v nouzi najít stabilní bydlení a s ním i cestu zpět do aktivního života. V rámci celé republiky se má projekt rozšířit do 16 měst a pomoct stovkám lidí. Dosavadní výsledky projektu ukazují, že stabilní bydlení rodinám pomáhá řešit i další problémy. Přesto projekt stále čelí výzvám. Jednou z nich je například sousedské soužití, ohledně kterého se objevují stížnosti.

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  • These Hotels Are Stepping Up To Help Hawaii's Virus Control Effort

    The city of Honolulu has partnered with hotels to offer quarantine housing for those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 but have nowhere to safely self-isolate. The new units compliment other existing facilities – such as city-owned buildings and hospitals – and provide meals and health check-ins for the patients conducted by the state's Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group.

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  • Homelessness on wheels: Boise Police, social workers launch new initiative for those living in vehicles in downtown Boise

    An emergency shelter, a housing nonprofit, the City of Boise, and the Boise Police Department came together to coordinate efforts and give assistance to the growing number of residents experiencing homelessness and living in RVs and cars around the city. The “Street Outreach Support” program involves knocking on the vehicle doors and offering temporary housing and medical attention to those who need it. While there are a smattering of reasons that people are living in their vehicles, the city is searching for a more permanent solution to getting people access to affordable housing.

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  • New Community Responses Bring Hope to the Homeless in Washington, D.C., But They Still Need More Permanent Housing

    Washington D.C. has decreased the number of people experiencing homelessness through the implementation of its permanent supportive housing programs. The 'housing first' initiatives prioritize providing permanent housing to those experiencing homelessness and then connecting those residents to all the services they need to maintain that housing. There are no requirements of sobriety, employment, or medication to receive the permanent housing. The local government adopted the housing first approach in 2008 and has seen a decline in homelessness.

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  • A Healthy Quality of Life Should Be Available to All — Even the Poor, Sick and Disenfranchised

    Advocates in Tenneessee are looking to California's state-funded programs that approach the issue of homelessness holistically, providing wraparound services. Social services are combined with medical care, to help those who live in poverty and are at risk of medical issues that lead to debt and eventually homelessness. The program is known as Whole Person Care and provides supportive services to those who end up in emergency rooms.

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  • An incomplete picture

    Housing First, an approach that has helped many cities address homelessness, has failed to make much impact in Boulder thanks to a shortage of permanent housing and complaints that the program suffers from a lack of coordination and ignorance of the views of the community it's trying to serve. Boulder County housing authorities and non-profits teamed up in 2017 to shift toward permanent housing and other services for people experiencing homelessness, rather than the previous policy of providing temporary shelter beds. But most people remain unserved by both temporary and permanent solutions.

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  • Cleveland shelters work to protect homeless from COVID-19

    Health officials and Cleveland homeless shelters are working together to prevent a coronavirus outbreak among those who are experiencing homelessness. Mass testing, separate areas for the already tested and those yet to be, and a focus on more equitably disseminating information have been key to helping the caseload stay low, although the shelters are facing limitations such as a slow turnaround time for test results.

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  • On dangerous ground

    When an eviction moratorium expired and the government's pandemic aid spigot closed, Boulder County nonprofits and public agencies mounted a coordinated response to address a looming homelessness crisis. A gusher of donations created an eviction legal defense fund, a rental assistance program, and other aid to people struggling to pay utility and food bills. In just three months, 800 households received help in forestalling evictions while thousands more received legal and humanitarian services. Despite the community support, housing risks remain without a resumption of emergency government aid.

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  • To fix homelessness, let's treat it as a health issue like they do in Denver

    Philadelphia can look to places such as Denver and New Jersey for examples of how to alleviate homelessness by treating it as a health problem. Many people experiencing homelessness struggle with alcohol, opiate and drug addictions as well as mental and physical disabilities. Hospitals are often obligated to treat and keep anyone who may not have a safe place to go after release therefore the healthcare industry has an incentive to mitigate the homelessness crisis by providing wraparound services as well as transitional housing for people who have no where to go after a hospital release.

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  • What the Coronavirus Proved About Homelessness

    Britain's response to curbing the spread of coronavirus included the "Bring everyone in" operation which brought people experiencing homelessness off the streets and into accommodation - typically empty hotel rooms. Temporary shelter proved effective with only 16 deaths among those who were brought indoors. People were also given services that could lead to a life off the streets. The success demonstrated the ability of the government to quickly house people when political will and money were put toward solving the problem.

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