Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'An awakening': the George Floyd protests spur surge in Black voter registration

    Advocacy organizations conducted voter outreach and registered new voters at Black Lives Matters protests on a scale not seen since the civil rights era. HeadCount, a voter-registration organization, created QR codes that anyone with a printer could put on protest signs. Other attendees could scan the codes with their smartphones to immediately register to vote. The group registered 14,898 new voters in June 2020, compared with 1,204 in June 2016. Political organizing at the summer’s protest events contributed to higher turnout in local and national elections, particularly among Black and Latino voters.

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  • Cama e colchão que protegem barriga ajudam gestantes graves de Covid-19

    Dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo apresentaram resultados positivos em testes de camas e colchões especiais para grávidas com Covid-19. Os equipamentos protegem a barriga da mulher que esteja em situação grave da doença.

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  • Lunch Boxes of Love

    St. John’s MCC kept up its work with Love Wins Community Engagement Center during COVID-19 by providing food and other services to its majority LGBTQ clients. They serve hot meals 5 days a week and provide groceries for 80-90 families. The hot meals provided in 2020 jumped to 16,384 from 8,925 in 2019. The Center follows strict sanitation protocols, closed the dining room and packages all meals to-go, and offers access to showers and computers by appointment only. Staff and volunteers are still available to help people find and access services and benefits.

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  • The old-school organizers who got it done on Zoom

    The Industrial Areas Foundation, the country’s oldest community organizing group, adapted to coronavirus restrictions by using technology to win relief for immigrants without legal documentation in California. Organizing a diverse coalition over zoom had many challenges, but they successfully won the expansion of the California Earned Income Tax Credit to include people who file taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN, rather than a Social Security number. This applies to about one-tenth of California’s workforce who mainly work in hard-hit service and agriculture industries.

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  • The world has shown it's possible to avert Covid-caused election meltdowns. But the U.S. is unique.

    Several countries successfully held elections during the Covid-19 pandemic and can offer insights for how the U.S. can hold a safe presidential election. These include providing more funding for additional polling places and poll workers, expanding ways for people to vote so that it is easier, requiring protective equipment and social distancing at the polls, allowing officials to process mail-in ballots before election day, and informing the public about any changes to contradict misinformation campaigns. It could be harder in the U.S. due to its size and the complexity of electoral laws across the states.

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  • Full-Circle Support

    The Philadelphia Black Giving Circle supports Black-led and Black-serving nonprofits, offering funding that was raised through the Black community. The giving circle has helped to build personal relationships with people of color, strengthen the community, and increase donation amounts to nonprofits tackling issues in the community. The initiative is an effort to model a more equitable form of philanthropy.

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  • In San Diego, ‘Smart' Streetlights Spark Surveillance Reform

    A smart-streetlight program has helped businesses and residents by collecting a wealth of data to make parking easier, monitor air quality, and inform drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists of traffic patterns. But its use by the police to collect evidence of suspected crimes has prompted a privacy backlash. Police officials say the videos have been used only in serious crimes and have both incriminated and exonerated suspects. Critics say mission creep has led to improper surveillance of protests and racially disparate enforcement in minor crimes. City legislators are considering ways to regulate the practice.

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  • Roanoke man creates group to unite the region's Black fathers

    Black Father Families unites Black fathers to provide support and education, while also countering stereotypes that Black fathers are not as competent and/or are absent from their children’s’ lives, which is often internalized without realizing it. The Facebook page posts videos of Black fathers sharing their experiences and advice on fatherhood. The group also organized the Black Father Family Festival so fathers could meet in person. Now, the group supports men as they are trying to figure out how to talk with their children about the social issues and civil rights protests going on around the world.

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  • ASU study: 'Team Kids' may improve perception of police through cop-kid activities

    About 170,000 schoolchildren in four states have participated in the Team Kids Challenge, which promotes healthier relations between youth and police by pairing them in charity work to solicit and distribute donations. Based on research showing Black and Latinx youth distrust police much more than white children do, the program was found in a new study to significantly improve kids' perceptions of police. The study did not measure how long this effect lasts or why it fails, when it does. A researcher also cautions that real trust in police must be earned through good policing.

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  • Surveillance Planes Watch Over Baltimore, But Catch Few Criminals

    In the first half of a six-month experiment, Baltimore's "wide-area surveillance" using video cameras flying above city streets to aid in crime investigations has led to only one arrest. The city's police commissioner doubts the city will agree to pay for the surveillance once private funding for the pilot project runs out, but he says he'll know more after the six-month experiment. The experiment is aimed at Baltimore's high rates of gun violence. Besides its effectiveness, critics worry about its privacy implications and that it targets mostly Black neighborhoods.

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