Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philly Sets New Gold Standard for Domestic Worker Protections

    Giving domestic workers a seat at the table elevates their voices and provides them with access to protections enshrined in labor laws. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the passage of the Philadelphia Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights extends worker protections to those previously left out of traditional labor laws. The new law, passed with the combined effort of the Pennsylvania Domestic Worker Alliance (PDWA), Philadelphia’s City Council, and the support of Philadelphia AFL-CIO, grants domestic workers access to employer-funded benefits and paid time off.

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  • The Real Cost of Diversifying College Rosters

    The rosters of sports teams at small liberal arts schools are often predominantly white and wealthy. Amherst College in Massachusetts has made a concerted effort to stop recruiting from the same "pay to play" pool and reach more student-athletes of color and student-athletes from different socio-economic backgrounds.

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  • The High School Teachers Ending Child Marriage in Pennsylvania

    In Pennsylvania, two teachers started the state's first ever gender studies class with an advocacy project that led to new legislation. After learning that child marriage was still legal, the students took the issue to Governor Tom Wolf to advocate on behalf of legislation sponsored by an advocacy organization against child marriage.

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  • Investigative journalists combat Colombia's muzzled press with The League Against Silence

    La Liga Contra El Silencio is an alliance of 16 news organizations and hundreds of journalists in Colombia. It protects journalists against threats, which have the effect of censoring reporting on certain topics. La Liga pools resources for in-depth investigative reporting on stories many journalists fear covering and publishes them using the organization’s name in the byline to protect journalists. About 70 stories that brought to light violence and corruption were published in 2018 and 2019, yet the group has not faced any major threats. It could offer a model for how to report under threat worldwide.

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  • 2nd TransWork job fair partners with Independence Blue Cross

    A program out of Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce called TransWork aims to ease anxieties surrounding the experience of trans people in the workplace. They held a job fair in fall 2019 and educated the employers participating on inclusivity and safety for trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming folks. For the attendees, the program helped ease anxieties of having to perform twice as hard and benefitted from resume and interview workshops and a job board. The program has received positive feedback and will continue expanding to offer resources for trans people in Philadelphia.

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  • A Native American Tribe's Quest: Give Us Back Our Island

    In October of 2019, the city of Eureka, California returned stolen lands to the Wiyot Tribe, the region’s Native American people. This was done over a decade after a brutal massacre on the land, which is an island that had slowly become overgrown and deemed uninhabitable. The Wiyots worked every weekend for years cleaning up the land, and now, with a clean bill of health and the property rights, they can start to heal as a community together again.

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  • 'One Job Should Be Enough': How Charlotte's Low-Wage Jobs Make Housing Unaffordable

    Living-wage advocates in North Carolina have turned to the business community to address low minimum wages which prevent employees from escaping poverty. Where local and state governments are unable to pass higher minimum wages, businesses have been encouraged to increase their minimum wages and consider the benefits of lower employee turnover and less money spent on recruitment and training, despite the increased payroll costs. Nonprofits like Just Economics of Western North Carolina calculate the living wage a person should make in a specific area depending on whether they have dependents or not.

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  • Water Warriors

    After an energy company began exploring New Bruncwick territory for oil and natural gas, Indigenous tribes and white people worked together to protect their water and ban fracking. They held protests at government buildings and set up road blocks to prevent equipment trucks from getting out. Some of the protests included violent clashes with police, which made national news and drew more supporters. As a result of their actions, the government put a moratorium on fracking in the Canadian province.

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  • ¿Cómo logró una escuela técnica bonaerense tener tantas estudiantes mujeres como varones?

    Este reportaje describe cómo una escuela técnica de Buenos Aires logró que la mitad de su estudiantado fueran mujeres. Las carreras técnicas en el mundo suelen ser estudiadas por hombres, pero en esta escuela, liderada por directoras, se implementaron programas para dejar de sexualizar trabajos y luchar por más igualdad.

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  • Host homes make homeless youth 'part of the family'

    The Coffee Oasis program in Port Orchard foregoes the traditional foster system and instead directly pairs homeless youth with a host family. Host families like the Coffee Oasis allow stable environments for teens or children on the verge of homelessness, allowing them to focus on issues like getting on track with school or finding a job.

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