Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mississippi Leads the Nation in Criminal Justice Reform

    The state of Mississippi has taken drastic steps in reforming their criminal justice system, pointing to a nationwide cultural shift as a driving force. State legislation, such as expanding parole eligibility, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, and barring licensing boards from discriminating against individuals who used to be incarcerated are just a handful of policies the state has championed. The reform has led to a prison population decrease of 11% and state savings of $46 million

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  • pH7

    After the legacy of acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines in Appalachian Ohio, there are several initiatives working to clean up the rivers and streams. Change-agents from universities, local organizations, and the government joined together in the 1990s to use both active and passive methods of neutralizing the pH level of the streams. Since then, they've brought the pH acidity down from 4.5 to 7 and grown the number of fish species from 4 to 37, and efforts are still ongoing and optimistic.

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  • Saving the Teeth of Patients With Special Needs

    People with special needs can face medical challenges when buildings aren't built in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act or doctors claim they can't treat them. In New York, the N.Y.U. College of Dentistry’s Oral Health Center for People With Disabilities directly combats this problem by treating "adult and pediatric patients across the spectrum of disabilities,"

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  • Pomůžu ti zažít slast

    Sexualita lidí se zdravotním postižením je v Česku tabu. I oni ale mají erotické touhy a potřebují sexuální prožitky. Situaci se v posledních letech snaží měnit spolek Freya, který vzdělává zájemce o práci sexuálních asistentů a asistentek. Ti pak pomáhají lidem s hendikepem cítit se lépe ve vlastním těle. Ukazují jim, jak jim v tom může pomoct sexualita, erotické pomůcky nebo různé typy dotyku. Služba klientům nabízí šanci naplnit základní lidské potřeby a zažít potěšení. Lidé, kteří sexuální asistenci využívají, říkají, že jim pomohla formovat sebevědomí i psychické zdraví.

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  • Will Labor Apps Save Workers?

    Workers who seek to unionize in a bid for fairer working conditions are up against strong anti-union sentiments from powerful companies adept at preventing labor from mobilizing. That's where technology has been able to help. Walmart workers were able to successfully organize and stay informed about their rights through an app called WorkIt. Some apps have failed to gain traction, but others have resulted in limited reforms such as the Coworker app which is a tool to create petitions. Starbucks was forced to provide needle disposal bins after employees mobilized.

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  • At Transgéneros Unidas, Latinas find refuge and fellowship

    For two hours every Thursday, a support group for transgender Latina women called Transgéneros Unidas is held in Long Beach, California. Run by an organization called Bienestar, several cities in CA host these meetings for the women to discuss issues in their communities, health risks as transwomen, and past trauma. Group members view the group as an essential part of their support system and are greatly comforted by the community.

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  • Extinction Rebellion succeeded where most climate protests fail

    Extinction Rebellion, a United Kingdom-based environmental group, has been using civil disobedience – blocking traffic, painting graffiti, or gluing themselves to trains – to increase discussion and action against the global climate crisis. Such disobedience has led to the leader of the UK’s Labour Party proposing one of their demands as legislation and a sharp spike in climate media coverage.

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  • 'Hate is always local': the Swedish city that said no to neo-Nazis

    The city of Kungälv, Sweden, with only 20,000 residents, developed a successful initiative to prevent the spread of neo-Nazis after the murder of a fourteen year-old anti-racist activist in 1995. Armed with the theory that "hate is always local," a local teacher created the Tolerance Project, held workshops with local teenagers and took them on trips to Holocaust sites. Now the "Kungälv model" is being practiced and adapted to local contexts around Sweden.

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  • These Indigenous Women Are Reclaiming Stolen Land in the Bay Area

    The Sogorea Te Land Trust is an intertribal women-led organization that is working to reclaim ownership of land in the Bay Area that Ohlone people have lived on for centuries. They regained access to the land through a partnership with another local grassroots organization called Planting Justice, who will eventually hand over the land to Sogorea Te for free once it is fully paid off. Sogorea Te believes that the root of a lot of Indigenous problems is the dispossession of their land, so they hope to use this land to rebuild resiliency and a way of life for and with their people.

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  • I Served My Prison Time. Why Do I Still Have to Pay?

    In 2018, San Francisco county forgave $32 million worth of criminal justice administrative fees. These fees are issued to formerly incarcerated individuals upon release from prison, most of which are not employed and without stable housing. The coalition pursuing this policy change cited economic justice for those that have already paid their societal debt and an overall state savings in collection costs as the primary reasons to end this practice.

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