Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Paid internships are a reality again in Congress after public shaming

    Paying Congressional interns gives lower income students a chance to engage with the legislative process. By bringing increased attention to the lack of paid internships on Capitol Hill, the nonprofit, Pay Our Interns, succeed in pressuring Congress to allocate funds for intern stipends. The funding makes opportunities on the Hill more accessible to those who cannot rely on family financial support to accept an unpaid internship.

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  • Closing the voter engagement gap in Metro Detroit

    To close the voting participation and engagement gap between historically disenfranchised groups and more affluent, white groups, organizations in Metropolitan Detroit are employing a number of strategies. One group, Girls Making Change, is creating a political leadership pipeline by mentoring high school girls of color over the summer. CitizenDetroit organizes voter education groups, candidate debates, and even bar trivia nights with a political theme.

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  • Adapting to the Anthropocene

    Around the world, communities are creating new technologies, processes, and relationships to the land in an effort to adapt to the changing climate. From the I-Kiribati using new hydroponic systems to grow food amidst rising sea levels, to farmers in Telangana using sustainable greenhouse technology, to the use of solar panels on Indigenous lands like Little Buffalo, those that depend on the land the most are having to adapt first. Underscoring each response is a collaborative, collective resilience.

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  • Denver will allow smartphone voting for thousands of people (but probably not you)

    In the hopes of making voting more accessible, the city of Denver, Colorado will allow their international voters, a population of about 4,000, to vote electronically on an app called Voatz. Already used by about 144 voters in West Virginia during the 2018 election, Voatz uses blockchain technology, which stores user votes across encrypted servers. Though some have cited security concerns, many hope the voting app will replace the current more insecure digital method.

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  • How North Dakota tribes countered a restrictive voting law

    Native American tribes, community groups, and nonprofits quickly responded to a North Dakota law requiring voter IDs with physical street addresses by holding information sessions, setting up stations to create instant tribal IDs, and placing volunteers at polling stations to assist those who wanted to vote actually be able to do so. Many tribal members rely on post office boxes and do not have an official address on their reservation. Despite some voters being turned away because of their ID, overall there was a record turnout in precincts that include reservations.

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  • Why History Matters in Equitable Development Planning

    A new park plan in Washington, D.C. addresses systemic racism and inequity in current city infrastructure, digging deeper than traditional urban planning landscapes. The new plan takes into account perspectives from minorities and low-income households to ensure the community space is built by the people, for the people - establishing economic justice along the way. This D.C. park plan is helping people purchase homes, finance businesses and get jobs.

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  • Ypsi-based program aims to restore dignity for women giving birth while incarcerated

    The Michigan Prison Doula Initiative seeks to provide pregnant women experiencing incarceration the support and care they need to maintain physical and mental health before, during, and after giving birth. The initiative has partnered with the Michigan Department of Corrections to start work in one prison – with the hopes of expanding to others – by providing prenatal counseling, support during birth, and postpartum visits.

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  • Cómo funciona la carpintería La Huella, una cooperativa conformada por usuarios del Hospital Borda

    En 2013, 20 personas con padecimientos mentales del Hospital Borda (Buenos Aires, Argentina) fundaron “La Huella”, una cooperativa que funciona como carpintería y contribuye a la reinserción social y laboral de sus socios. "La Huella" lleva fabricados más de 500 muebles con diseño propio, además de haber realizado más de 400 servicios de restauración y reciclado de muebles a particulares, organizaciones públicas y privadas. La cooperativa no sólo impactó positivamente en los más de 20 usuarios del servicio público de salud mental, sino que también mejoró la vida de sus familias de la propia institución.

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  • How to Design a Better City for Deaf People

    Gallaudet University has interior design and architecture built with the needs and preferences of people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in mind. By analyzing the effects of lighting, color, space, and other design principles emphatically, restaurants and other public spaces can be similarly accommodating for individuals with different hearing abilities.

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  • Banned: 'We are doing the president's work: cleansing the community of gays”

    The Access to Health and Rights Development Initiative (AHRDI) in Lagos, Nigeria has offered health services to over 2,000 LGBTI men since 2013 despite the nation's widespread homophobia. Because it is still dangerous to identify as or ally with homosexuality following the 2014 passage of the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, all AHRDI's clients come from word-of-mouth referrals to receive condoms, lube, HIV testing, and more.

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