Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philly's New Violence Intervention Program Focuses On Stability And Support

    A community violence intervention program modeled after READI is beginning in Philadelphia to connect high-risk individuals who were victims of violence or formerly incarcerated with basic needs services like therapy, employment, and housing assistance to reduce violence and recidivism. Holistic approaches like READI have already proven effective as half of participants are still working full time a year after attending the program and the program’s experimental group saw a 79% reduction in arrests for shootings and homicide.

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  • Funding the Earth's keepers: The need for Indigenous climate philanthropy

    The Decolonizing Wealth Project is a network of people working together to create more equitable, capital opportunities for communities of color, with an emphasis on Indigenous land keepers. Through its work with other groups, the project offers a series of grant opportunities like the Indigenous Earth Fund to provide Indigenous-led organizations with the resources needed to target climate and conservation issues.

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  • Returning Indigenous ancestors home to New Zealand/Aotearoa

    The Karanga Aotearoa program coordinates with museums and cultural institutions across the world to repatriate Moriori remains and artifacts stolen by colonizers throughout New Zealand/Aotearoa's history. The process is Indigenous-led, with significant involvement from the descendents of those being returned, and prioritizes maintaining dignity for the ancestors.

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  • The Deliveristas

    Deliveristas Unidos started as a WhatsApp group for local delivery workers to connect, but over time it turned into a mobilized organization of thousands of delivery workers ready to take to the streets to protect their rights as workers. Through their organizing, the group managed to get a legislative package passed that enacted several laws that guaranteed their rights and protections, including access to bathrooms in restaurants across the city, transparent communication with delivery apps about tips, as well as hourly pay.

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  • Breaking Away From Hate

    Anti-hate organizations like Parents for Peace and Life After Hate work to help former extremists and white supremacists leave that life behind. The groups provide mental health care, education, deradicalization, mentorship, and helps them identify areas of support within their communities.

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  • The world's best rainforest guardians already live there

    Empowering Indigenous peoples in Indonesia with land rights allows them to protect and manage rainforests and biodiversity. One tribe that’s doing so, the Kajang, relies on substance agriculture and does not allow practices like cutting down trees, hunting, or using technology on most of the land.

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  • How an NGO is Providing Support To all Survivors of FGM Through a Network called 'THE DAISY NETWORK'

    The Women Against Violations and Exploitation (WAVE) Foundation and The Daisy Network provides support for female genital mutilation (FGM) survivors and works to put an end to FGM across the country. The Daisy Network has spread to several states and has reached more than 3,000 people through their advocacy efforts.

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  • Harlem Organization Helped Change the Face of Construction

    Fight Back, Inc. is a local community-based organization that worked to get construction jobs for Blacks, Spanish-surnamed, and other minorities in New York City over the years. The organization has been very effective in integrating the skilled and construction trades and ensuring workers of color have equal opportunity and has been replicated in other cities like Seattle and Detroit.

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  • Grandmother's battalion: how elderly Zhytomyr residents help the front

    The Grandmother's Battalion is an initiative organized by the organization Care for the Elderly in Ukraine. Retired volunteers sew and distribute items such as pillows, work gloves, underwear, socks, and other needed clothing to Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front lines.

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  • Campaña del mes: señalá la falta de accesibilidad arquitectónica y ayudá a derribar barreras

    Acceso Ya trabaja desde 2004 señalando los obstáculos físicos que afrontan quienes tienen movilidad reducida. Cuenta con un centro de denuncias con el cual podés señalar lugares de la ciudad de Buenos Aires en los que no pueden circular personas con movilidad reducida.

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