Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The inspiring thing that happened when a Japanese village went almost waste-free

    Kamikatsu, a small Japanese village on an island, is on track to become a zero-waste village. The community is made up of only 1,700 residents and—through a combination of community conversations and sorting the waste to be profitable—they managed to keep more than 80% of their waste out of landfills and incinerators. On top of the environmental impact, the Zero Waste Academy brings together a largely-elderly population as a group focused on a mission and has led to an increased sense of community and well-being.

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  • Victoria judge shaped mental health law

    In Victoria County, Texas, juries were tasked with determining whether or not the person being tried was fit to stand trial, oftentimes wasting taxpayer dollars and delaying treatment for those that need it. To change this, a task force was assembled and together, they created a bill that put the responsibility of determining mental state into the hands of the judge rather than jury members.

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  • Medical Students Push For More LGBT Health Training To Address Disparities

    When a medical student identified a lack of education and materials provided to her class that focused on LGBT information and resources, she and her classmates decided to confront the school administration about the curriculum. The conversation spurred action that resulted in increased trainings and teachings that has in turn led to a better likelihood of proper diagnosis for this community.

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  • The Pay-What-You-Want Experiment

    When Panera Bread launched several pay-what-you-want cafes, people from different economic and social backgrounds found themselves eating the same lunch, and paying what they could. While the cafes eventually closed, similar models around the country have found success with this flexible payment option.

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  • One Way To Deal With Cops Who Lie? Blacklist Them, Some DAs Say

    Across the United States, district attorney’s are creating blacklists, or “do not call” lists, of police officers that have allegedly lied, abused their power, or have been corrupted. The purpose is to prevent untrustworthy sources from testifying in court, allowing city prosecutors to build stronger cases. While many police departments and unions have opposed such lists, calling them unfair and subjective, prosecutors and communities have supported their use as a response to police misconduct.

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  • The Brazilian photographer and the 20-year reforestation project of over 2.7 million trees

    A Brazilian photographer and his wife set out to restore devastated land in the late 1990s by replanting the forest, which would in turn bring back the wildlife. To date the pair and their organization, Instituto Terra, have replanted more than 2 million trees, seen the return of over 500 different species of birds, mammals, amphibians, and flora, and brought back to life the 8 natural springs on the land. There only remains 10% of the land to restore, and at the same time they've also developed more than 700 educational projects that reach over 65,000 people across the nation.

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  • How Poop-Eating Worms Could Help Save Thousands Of Lives Each Year

    The Bill Gates Foundation is currently funding a number of organizations that seek to solve the rate of open defecation by creating low-cost toilets that utilize the feces within them. One organization, called Sanergy, operates in 11 neighborhoods across Nairobi and uses a systems-based approach that takes into account financing and maintenance of the toilet as well as selling the waste as fertilizer. Another, called Tiger Toilets in India, uses a septic tank toilet that places worms within the drainage layer who then consume the feces and produce fertilizer to be used or sold.

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  • How the U.K. is fighting the loneliness epidemic

    Lonliness is a huge health risk in senior citizens. To address this, the U.K. is killing two birds with one stone by assigning mail carriers a couple of seniors to check in on once a week. Mail carriers already know the area well and are easily recognizable, so regular conversations with residents were a logical next step. The carriers conduct surveys every week in order to gain quantitative data to inform their practices, and the program continues to be a success with the senior citizens served.

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  • Benchmarking Racial Inequity in St. Louis

    The collection and analysis of data is a crucial first step in revealing and addressing areas of racial inequality in cities. Using the methodology of a 2015 New York City program designed to study metrics of inequality, the St. Louis Equity Indicators Project has already filled large gaps in data by identifying 72 metrics of inequality in the heavily racially-divided city. Following the recommendations of the Ferguson Commission, the St. Louis’ Equity Indicators provide a baseline by which the city can track efforts to improve racial disparities across issues of health, education, and legal justice.

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  • This Woman Is Using Her Platform To Uplift Black Artists

    Creating new platforms allows underrepresented and often "tokenized" artists to drive their own narrative. To address the lack of representation of Black artists in legacy institutions, an art nonprofit in Memphis, The Collective (CLTV), empowers Black artists by creating an organization that reflects the community at large. In addition to grants and stipends, the CLTV relies on support from the community and donors to remain financially independent.

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