Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can a Bible college in this NC prison make a difference?

    The Field Minister Program by the College at Southeastern Baptist Seminary offers inmates inside Nash Correctional the opportunity to study ministry and ultimately be used as a tool to reduce recidivism. Inmates with long terms lead the cultural change within the prisons by helping departing inmates find jobs, mentors and communities, running their own religious services, and becoming juvenile mentors, GED tutors, hospice care workers, chaplain support, and more. Studies done on similar programs show that Bible college reduces participant misconduct by 65-80%, and many inmates share stories of success.

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  • Operation Ceasefire: Inside a Community's Radical Approach to Gang Violence

    Operation Ceasefire, known as the “Boston miracle,” abandoned traditional policing’s responses to street violence, which caused severe racial tensions, and created a community coalition that used a carrot-and-stick model of targeting people at risk of suffering or committing violence, threatening them with punishment but offering instead social services if they put their guns down. After dramatically reducing violence in Boston in the early 1990s, it spread nationwide. But this highly targeted enforcement method can fail when it isn’t done by the book or sustained over a long period.

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  • Sauti toll free telephone line helping Ugandan children avert violence

    Uganda has sub-Saharan Africa’s only government-run child helpline--a free way for children to report physical, emotional, and sexual violence perpetrated against them. Police are supposed to work with probation officers to investigate the situation and connect children with medical and legal help. However, resource shortages remain, and some health workers refer victims to private clinics to make more money.

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  • 78207: America's Most Radical School Integration Experiment

    In just three years, San Antonio superintendent Pedro Martinez has raised the bar for school integration efforts nationwide - in this time, the district, where 93 percent of students qualify for free or reduced price lunch, has opened 31 schools of choice that are "diverse-by-design." The curriculum, which ranges from talented and gifted to dual language programs, is intended to attract more affluent students from surrounding areas to fill 25 percent of the classroom spots. Journalist Beth Hawkins says, "In 20 years of writing about failed integration efforts, I’ve never seen anything like this."

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  • Locals Unite to Stop Hog Farms From Polluting Their Community

    When large-scale hog farms began moving into rural Iowa, many local families were forced to start making decisions about their ways of life, especially concerning their own farms and health. To fight back, the community gathered together to create a covenant. Although small in scale, other communities in the state have reached out in hopes of following their so-far successful approach.

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  • The town that gave the world Spam is proud to be ‘autism-friendly'

    In order to reduce autism stigma, the city of Austin, Minn., became an autism-friendly town. A system was created to label businesses as autism-friendly, if they implement specific requirements that reduce autism triggers like lowering the lights and diminishing loud noises, among others. Employees must also go through educational training's. So far, 15 businesses are designated as autism-friendly. The move, was “a grass-roots effort to improve our community. “Having this autism-friendly movement — it’s incredible to have people who want to understand.”

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  • One State Is Disrupting the Pipeline from Foster Care to Jail

    In 2017, California's Continuum of Care (CCR) program began shifting money away from group homes for children in foster care, closing 300 homes in the first year. The money goes instead to recruiting more families to house children, who are newly eligible for extended care to age 25. The goal is to shrink a system that too often dooms children to homelessness on the streets and incarceration. While some clients have found the family love that a group home can't replicate, many lower-income families have struggled to meet the program's requirements, threatening its ultimate success.

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  • Magazine in Greece Rejects Labels about Refugees

    In order to combat xenophobic attitudes against refugees in Europe, three friends founded Solomon; a media outlet that “gives voice to non-native populations, countering negative stereotypes about them and helping them integrate into their new communities.” Recent grants have helped the magazine expand and pay staff. “We’re not like other media that focuses on refugees’ selling their bodies or selling drugs. We go with our camera and write about integration.”

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  • On Hurricane Maria Anniversary, Puerto Rico Is Still in Ruins

    FEMA’s response to Puerto Rico post-Hurricane Irma has been the “longest sustained domestic airborne food and water mission in the nation’s history. The agency has never distributed more food or installed more generators.” However, due to bureaucracy and delayed decision making, there are still thousands of Puerto Ricans who have not received aid, or were underserved.

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  • 4 Black Female Judges Use Their Courtrooms to Break the School-to-Prison Pipeline

    Inspired by the documentary 13th, which explores race and mass incarceration in the U.S., and frustrated by the amount of youth getting caught in criminal court, four black female judges decided to create a youth prevention program. The four month program is called “Pipeline to Possibilities,” and accepts about a hundred students who get to experience mock trials, and meet with the judges.“Knowledge is power, and maybe if they knew more about the criminal justice system, they wouldn’t find themselves on that side of the bench.”

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