Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These prosthetics break the mold with third thumbs, spikes, and superhero skins

    Custom, designer prosthetics that serve purposes in both function and fashion are beginning to reform the prosthetics industry, allowing people to express themselves and embrace their bodies in new ways. Researchers, developers, and larger businesses are constantly innovating to create new prosthetics that can meet a person’s every need and other companies are working to make prosthetic covers more accessible so anyone can afford the option to personalize their look.

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  • A Chicago Mural Project Becomes a Nationwide Movement

    The Mural Movement uses the power of art as a tool to help Black and brown communities heal when grappling with gun violence and racism. The group works with artists who create murals of victims of gun violence and now has 186 murals nationwide.

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  • Justice40 Accelerator program boosts Detroit nonprofits, but advocates say more help is needed

    Funded by philanthropic organizations, the Justice40 Accelerator is providing technical support to Detroit nonprofits focused on environmental justice. The program helps nonprofits assess their challenges and needs, which can make them more competitive when applying for federal funding.

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  • Allied Forces

    The Philos Action League dispatches Christian volunteers to offer support and solidarity to Jewish communities when antisemitic attacks occur. The organization has more than 2,000 volunteers who have responded to 128 incidents since 2021.

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  • Estijos laimėjimas – internetinis balsavimas: kas anksčiau atrodė kaip mokslinė fantastika, dabar – neatskiriama rinkimų dalis

    Estija - vienintelė valstybė pasaulyje, sudaranti galimybę savo piliečiams tiek nacionaliniuose, tiek regioniniuose rinkimuose balsuoti internetu. Nors rinkėjų aktyvumo ši galimybė ženkliai neišaugino, ja gana aktyviai naudojasi anksčiau nebalsavę ir kitose pasaulio šalyse gyvenantys estai. Žurnalistė domisi, ar internetinis balsavimas būtų pritaikomas Lietuvoje.

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  • How a women and immigrant-led marketplace is surviving Covid

    The La Cocina Municipal Marketplace supports immigrant women entrepreneurs who graduated from the La Cocina Business Incubator by providing them with a space to sell their goods and services. Since forming in 2005, the business incubator has helped 140 entrepreneurs open for business. And the Marketplace — which opened in 2021 — allowed these business owners to continue to make profits by selling takeout-only food amid gathering restrictions caused by the pandemic.

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  • Why Asian Americans Are Moving to NYC's East Harlem

    To help and serve the large and growing Asian population in East Harlem, several organizations are emerging. One such is Asian Americans For Equality, which partnered with Union Settlement to start offering Asian food aid. The groups run a monthly food pantry that provides Asian produce and other groceries to those in need, ensuring the population is receiving culturally-relevant foods.

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  • Meet the doctor who is trying to change the perception of vasectomies

    The SimpleVas Vasectomy Clinic is a mobile clinic that travels around to provide easy access to vasectomies by simplifying the entire process. The mobile clinic travels nearly 600 miles around the state every month and has even traveled out to New York City to spread awareness. Through raising awareness of the procedure, the doctor in charge of the clinic now performs about 600 to 700 vasectomies a year.

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  • In California, women learn how to protect their ancestral lands with fire

    The WTREX program runs prescribed burn camps to provide hands-on training for Indigenous women. This training allows them to reclaim parts of their culture and bring cultural burns back to their land in a safe learning environment.

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  • Anti-Discrimination Toolbox

    The Center for Belarusian Solidarity provides legal advice, information, and support to Belarusian migrants who face discrimination in Poland due to their country's relationship with Russia. Lawyers from the center can help advocate for refugees at visa centers or refer them to the Commissioner for Human Rights in more severe cases of discrimination.

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