Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Great Los Angeles Revolt Against Cars

    Los Angeles has faced deepening issues of severe traffic and extreme smog pollution in the past several decades, but for years intentions and promises to broadly improve transportation have fallen flat. At long last, the most congested city in the world - once home to the most extensive urban rail network on the planet - is reviving rail lines and trains as a solution to both issues. Robust public transport has proven to have multi-layered economic, cultural, environmental, and social benefits to communities.

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  • Meet a new breed of prosecutor

    Across the country, a small number of young prosecutors are changing the face of our current criminal justice system. They are moving away from the “strict law-and-order practices of the past,” and employing a more liberal approach: “eschewing the death penalty, talking rehabilitation as much as punishment, and often refusing to charge people for minor offenses.”

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  • The Nigerian Couple Committed to Ending Female Genital Mutilation

    One Nigerian couple is committed to ending female genital mutilation, or the practice of removing a women’s external genitalia. Gift and Augustine Abu travel all across Nigeria to end FGM, which can sometimes lead to death. The couple has devised a master plan, has 84 volunteers, and offer workshops to cutters so they can find alternate sources of income.

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  • Young Colombian refugees find new lifeline in Ecuador

    Ecuador has a large number of refugees, particularly from Colombia, these refugees face a lot of barriers upon arrival. 'Fudela' is a soccer program that has Ecuadorians and Colombians playing together in order to foster understanding, cooperation, teamwork, job skills and community.

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  • Digital startup aims to lead a revolution in retail transparency

    Being able to trace the means of production and transport of an consumer good allows people to make informed, ethical decisions about their purchases. The website Provenance provides this information by working with companies who ethically source their products to share information about their supply chain.

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  • Land-conflict mediation in the Great Lakes region

    In the Great Lakes region of Africa, land disputes can escalate to violence. Subsistence agriculture is the dominant source of income, making land precious, and as populations increase and refugees return home, property rights are not always clear. Search for Common Ground is reducing violence by training mediators to find peaceful ways of resolving these high-stakes conflicts.

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  • How Cleveland has become a leader in trying to eradicate human trafficking

    Largely unbeknownst to the public eye, Cleveland has been battling human trafficking in various forms for many years. Recently, the city has become a leader in trying to eradicate this longstanding problem. Thanks to a small group of activists and nonprofits, using billboards and gift bags as well as other creative methods, these groups are raising awareness, conducting strip club outreach, and creating a victim support network to help make human trafficking an issue of the past.

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  • At the UN, a New Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Is Adopted by 122 Nations

    On July 7, 122 United Nations member countries approved a new treaty prohibiting and eliminating nuclear weapons. The legally binding agreement emphasizes humanitarian concerns, including the disproportionate impact of weapons testing and deployment on indigenous people as well as on women, young children, and reproductive systems. All nine states holding nuclear weapons boycotted negotiations.

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  • At Leschi Elementary, equity conversations are common — among teachers, parents and, increasingly, students

    For many years, Leschi Elementary was a divided school - white kids were overwhelmingly enrolled in Leschi's Montessori program, while students of color were most likely found in the "contemporary" classes. In 2014, staff decided to combine the two curricula, offering all students a "Best of Both" blended model. Leschi now openly encourages conversations about social justice and inclusion among both students and parents and while there was some initial attrition after the change, most families are now quick to point to the clear benefits of the school's shift.

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  • Delivering Gourmet Pizza, and Jobs Training, in Cook County Jail

    Recipe for Change is a program that teaches incarcerated people Italian cuisine skills, which is meant to help them gain employment when they reenter society. An estimated 200 people have gone through the program. Similarly, other programs are focusing on helping formerly incarcerated people gain employment.

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