Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • There's a Message for City Planners in Cape Town Plumbing Poll

    If you’ve ever been to a music festival, you’ve probably stepped inside a chemical toilet. The blue, plastic toilets, are meant to be temporary. However, in post-Apartheid, Cape Town, they are permanent fixtures for a large population of mostly black, poor residents.

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  • How the Chicanas of Eastside Mujeres Network Are Fighting to End Violence Against Women

    The recent revival of feminism, in tandem with increased awareness about violence and sexual abuse, and combined with the power of social media to organize activist groups, is helping various advocacy groups address the serious issues faced by women and minorities, specifically Latina women, in the Los Angeles area. Organizations from anti-gentrification cycling groups to rape crisis hotline dispatchers are combining resources to combat violence against women, provide more comprehensive legal and human services, help victims get a new start, and change the culture of abuse for good.

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  • Minnesota Somalis work to root out homegrown terror from within

    Somali-Minnesotans are at risk for homegrown extremists but are suspicious of federal investigations in their community. A federal pilot project is using outreach programs to include the Somali community in the solution to reduce violent extremism.

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  • Captive Lives

    No consistent funding is designated to aid children of inmates though they are more prone to behavioral problems, low self-esteem and substance abuse. Project What, in S.F., empowers youth of incarcerated parents by hiring them to educate the public about their needs.

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  • For Refugees in Lebanon, Cash Instead of Camps.

    In Lebanon, services for refugees are often misguided and ineffective. To address this issue, the country created a cash-debit card allowance for refugees, providing a more appropriate resource than the typical aid program.

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  • Reconciliation: A Tale of Two Seas

    Sectarian conflict in Bahrain has torn friends and families apart, splitting the country into Sunni versus Shi’a. To soften the divisions, Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation and Civil Discourse has hosted at least one event every month since its founding in 2012, inviting people from all ideologies to participate. These events include dialogue dinners, seminars, and even exchange trips to Northern Ireland and South Africa to learn about reconciliation experiences in those countries.

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  • Abolish the police? Organizers say it's less crazy than it sounds. Audio icon

    Police abolitionism, an idea that strikes many as fanciful and dangerous, lies at the root of many community projects in Chicago that have demonstrated on a small scale the ways that problems can be solved without police involvement. Run by acolytes of Mariame Kaba, these projects provided dispute resolution services, mental health responses, and a bond fund that uses donated money to bail pretrial defendants out of jail. The key idea is to demonstrate ways to scale back police powers, rather than wait for institutions to reform themselves.

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  • Nextdoor Rolls Out Product Fix It Hopes Will Stem Racial Profiling

    The location-based social network Nextdoor responded to criticism about racial profiling on its site by revamping the platform. The company collaborates with many public agencies and Oakland’s mayor said the city’s departments should stop working with Nextdoor until it addressed these issues. Nextdoor subsequently changed how people can report crimes or suspicious activity so that race is de-emphasized and this has reduced racial profiling on the site by 75 percent, although some activists who helped Nextdoor say they were left out of the process and there is more work to do.

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  • Secret Cameras Record Baltimore's Every Move From Above

    Technology developed in the military to find who was planting roadside bombs to take out American soldiers has been adapted for civilian use by a former member of the Air Force, whose company seeks to work with police departments to use it to solve crimes. The airborne cameras provide hours of consistent surveillance and have proven highly effective at tracking down perpetrators so police can arrest them. But civil libertarians are alarmed what this widespread surveillance means and how it will be used, particularly since Baltimore officials did not tell the public about it for months.

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  • In Crow Country, a water system brings new life

    Reservations often have to fight legal battles for access to clean water, and state and federal agencies often exclude tribal members from decision-making because they deem tribal members unqualified unless they have science degrees. So, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe placed a premium on its members getting environmental science degrees and helped write the latest fish consumption guidelines.

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