Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The priests navigating Colombia's conflict zones

    Shielded by cultural deference to the Catholic church, Colombian clergy venture into conflict zones to document the clashes, provide aid, and mediate disputes between civilians and armed guerrilla groups. Their efforts have helped response organizations access difficult-to-reach areas and drawn renewed attention to the crises.

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  • 'Get away from the target': rescuing migrants from the Libyan coast guard

    A Doctors Without Boarders ship traverses international waters around Libya looking for asylum seekers to bring to safety in Europe before the Libyan Coast Guard finds them and takes them back.

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  • Community Sponsorship in the UK: A win-win approach for resettling refugees?

    Community buy-in for refugee resettlement is providing a legal avenue for those seeking asylum. Local groups across the UK have come together with the intention of helping refugees get settled. The groups raise money to be used by families to get through the first few months in addition to helping them open bank accounts, register for services, practice English, and more.

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  • Makala Ya Jinsi Sekta Ya Aya Ilivyoimarika Baada Ya Ugatuzi Kwale

    Ujio wa ugatuzi umepunguza changamoto zinazoandamana na safari za mbali kutafta huduma za afya katika Kaunti ya Kwale. Kupitia mfumo hii, serikali ya kaunti imeweza kutenga fedha za kujenga zaid ya vituo vya afya 37 katika maeneo mbali mbali na kurahisisha jinsi wakaaji wanapata huduma za afya. Vituo hivyo vinapeana huduma mbali mbali za afya ikiwemo huduma za kujifungua, madawa na maabara na kadhalika.

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  • 'It seemed like our lives didn't matter'

    The murder of Ahmaud Arbery sparked nationwide rage, but the people most affected by local racism felt it most keenly. A Better Glynn formed to seek reforms in Glynn County law enforcement after years of status-quo racism and resistance to change. The group worked with an existing group of Black pastors and other leaders and found success in the firing of the police chief, his replacement by the county's first Black chief, the district attorney's reelection defeat, and the beginnings of police reforms.

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  • Mountain towns use a ‘quiver of solutions' to address affordable housing, including converting old hotels.

    The town of Crested Butte declared a state of emergency, which allowed it to sidestep zoning rules and purchase a 6-unit former bed and breakfast to provide housing for seasonal workers. Residents, many of whom work in the restaurant industry during tourist season, agreed to rules like no overnight guests, no drugs, and no big parties. “Motel conversions” can provide quick conversion to housing that doesn’t need major renovations or construction, making it a more environmentally-friendly option.

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  • 'Indigenous DNA': Native voters help turn Arizona blue, led by grassroots workers

    Indigenous communities across Arizona organized grassroots efforts to register Native voters and increase voter turnout in 2020. Members of indigenous communities were able to move on-the-ground efforts forward in a way that outside organizations could not. While just 6% of the state’s voting population identifies as Native American, President Biden won by just 10,000 votes, making the larger turnout across Native nations more relevant. Efforts involved going door-to-door and setting up information booths in central areas and voters responded to canvassers taking the time to talk with people.

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  • ‘An utter failure': Law meant to clear old convictions, including for marijuana possession, helps few

    In 2018, Massachusetts legislators passed a law allowing people with certain lower-level criminal records to seal the records or expunge convictions altogether. The law was meant to remove the burden that a criminal record imposes on people seeking jobs or renting apartments, particularly when the conduct is no longer illegal, such as marijuana possession. Thousands have managed to get their records sealed. But relatively few have sought or won expungement, thanks to an overly restrictive and complicated process that hasn't been explained well to those who could benefit.

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  • St. Paul police credit jiu-jitsu training for reducing injuries — and excessive force settlements

    When St. Paul police studied controversial cases in which officers used physical force, they found troubling examples that were products of the training given to officers. So they began training new and veteran officers to use tactics inspired by the Brazilian martial art jiu-jitsu, which prizes teamwork by two officers to use leverage to restrain resistant people rather than using brute force, weapons, or chemicals. In the six years after the training began, St. Paul officers used force far less often, injured far fewer people, and cost the city much less money in settlements payments.

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  • ¿Qué pasa cuando el surf incluye a todos?

    De costa a costa, en Costa Rica y también en Nicaragua, organizaciones comunitarias están abriendo paso para surfistas que antes no tenían acceso a este deporte por su género, sus limitaciones físicas, o su falta de recursos económicos.

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