Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • UGA Multicultural Organizations Find Success With Drive-Ins for In-Person Events

    To maintain community connections, University of Georgia’s Multicultural Services and Programs hosted socially-distanced drive-in events on UGA fields. The Vietnamese Student Association hosted its annual Night In Saigon, where attendees could watch the performances from their cars, with masks on if their windows were down. Over 200 people attended the Black Affairs Council’s BACYard Bash event celebrating Black culture. A COVID-19 committee walked around the event to ensure people wore masks and remained six feet apart. Food trucks served attendees to comply with food preparation restrictions.

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  • When communities try to hold police accountable, law enforcement fights back

    A favorite remedy for systemic police misconduct is a civilian oversight agency. More than 160 cities and counties have such agencies, some at the insistence of the U.S. Justice Department. But, as Albuquerque and multiple other cities have shown, a common set of factors often undermine the effectiveness of such agencies. These factors start with structural defects, limiting the agencies' independent investigatory and disciplinary powers, and extend to strenuous opposition from police unions and their political allies.

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  • Undocumented but Unstoppable: The Undocumented Filmmakers Collective

    The Undocumented Filmmakers Collective provides a safe, inclusive, and non-competitive space for people to discuss issues they face in their careers. The nearly 40 members are spread out across the U.S. and use Zoom to form deep connections, share resources, and support one another. Navigating employment and funding issues within the filmmaking industry is a main priority, and members have collaborated on projects to bring attention to issues facing people without documentation in the film industry. Acting collective provides a louder and more powerful voice to help expand career opportunities for members.

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  • College Accounts at Birth: State Efforts Raise New Hopes

    SEED for Oklahoma Kids is a statewide effort to help newer generations climb the educational ladder and build assets. Parents are offered $1,000 in their newborn's name and set aside in a college savings account, destined to be used for pursuing college or trade school education. The concept of the program is not unique to Oklahoma. Other states like Nebraska, Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania, and more have implemented similar programs. "Automatic enrollment in a saving program, with the ability to opt out, turns out to have a much higher participation rate than relying on individuals to take the initiative."

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  • How Project Dastaan is helping survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their ancestral homes

    Refugees and survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their homes through virtual reality footage of their homes and villages. The initiative, Project Dastaan, seeks to provide emotional closure to people who had to flee their homes in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It also allows the children and grandchildren of survivors to gain a better understanding of their own histories and the trauma experienced by their loved ones. The digital experiences aim to raise awareness of the impact of the conflict and promote peace between the countries.

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  • Rababben Birni (2): Addini Ya Raba Mazauna Jos, Kwallon Kafa Tana Hadasu

    Tare da yan wasan kungiyoyin kwallon kafa na “Reconciliation” (Sulhu), “Peace” (zaman lafiya), “Love” (Soyayya), “Humanity” (Mutuntaka) da “Forgiveness” (Yafiya); wadanda kungiyar “Face of Peace Global” ta shirya, sun fara kokarin cire duk wani tsoro da rikicin addini ya dasa a garin a tsawon lokaci. Bayan shekaru 18 ana rikici tsakanin musulmi da kiristoci ta yadda har mutane suka koma zama a mabanbanta garuruwa, kocinan kungiyoyin kwallon kafa sun hada yan wasan da aka cakudasu ta fuskar addini da makotaka.

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  • Prioritizing Incarcerated People for Vaccine Quickly Reduced COVID in Illinois Prisons

    After incarcerated people, their families, and advocates pressured the state of Illinois to prioritize offering the Covid vaccines to those in prison, the rate of Covid transmission among the population significantly declined. Although the rollout did not go entirely smoothly and guards have been reluctant to receive the shot, 69% of the incarcerated population in the state have been vaccinated.

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  • San Diego teacher creates ‘social justice league' for students with disabilities, ‘a forgotten minority'

    A teacher in San Diego took matters into her own hands when she couldn't find a social justice curriculum tailored to students with disabilities. That’s partly why she created what she calls the “Social Justice League,” a group of students at her school who meet weekly by Zoom and discuss a variety of issues, such as Native American land, gender privilege, the representation of disabilities in the media and systemic racism.

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  • In Nation's Incarceration Capital, a New D.A. Is Freeing People From Prison

    In his first months as the New Orleans district attorney, Jason Williams has pushed a prosecution-reform agenda that not only limits who gets sent to prison on the front end, but also takes a backward look at who should be let out of prison. Nearly two dozen people convicted by non-unanimous juries have been granted new trials. Some people have been granted early release from prison after conviction under unduly harsh sentencing laws that no longer will be enforced. Williams' ultimate goal is to restore community trust so that necessary prosecutions have community support.

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  • Why does the International Criminal Court not have more support?

    The International Criminal Court fulfilled a nearly century-old dream for a global tribunal to hear war crimes cases. In its nearly 20 years of existence, it has heard 30 cases and convicted nine people. While 123 nations recognize the court's jurisdiction, including all of Western Europe and South America, many large nations resist the court's power as an infringement on their sovereignty, including the U.S., Israel, Russia, China, India, and Indonesia. The Biden administration's stance is somewhat less hostile than the Trump administration's, but only marginally so.

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