Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Connections over controversy: criminal justice department and BSU team up to add BLM flag to display

    Northern Michigan University's Black Student Union turned its unhappiness with the display on campus of a "thin blue line" flag into a series of deep and open conversations that led to a compromise and a new set of collaborations. The university's criminal justice department had put the flag on display. One BSU member approached the department chair to ask that it be removed. But that led to a long, respectful conversation, followed by meetings of students on both sides. A Black Lives Matter flag was added to the display and the two groups are planning a joint educational program on the issue.

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  • In Nation's Incarceration Capital, a New D.A. Is Freeing People From Prison

    In his first months as the New Orleans district attorney, Jason Williams has pushed a prosecution-reform agenda that not only limits who gets sent to prison on the front end, but also takes a backward look at who should be let out of prison. Nearly two dozen people convicted by non-unanimous juries have been granted new trials. Some people have been granted early release from prison after conviction under unduly harsh sentencing laws that no longer will be enforced. Williams' ultimate goal is to restore community trust so that necessary prosecutions have community support.

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  • ‘Within minutes I was weeping': the US pastor using scripture to mobilize climate action

    Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri of North Carolina works with the Creation Care Alliance to better connect his Christian faith with climate action. Over the years they have developed a toolkit for congregations on how to get involved in the climate discussion. They also host eco-grief meetings that are very popular. They would like to reach more conservative or evangelical members of their community that are more skeptical of climate change, but they have had some success in reaching a wide audience.

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  • Yadda Garuruwan Jos Ke Kokarin Hadin Kai Bayan Shekaru Cikin Rikici (1)

    Tare da taimakon wata kungiya mai zaman kanta, al’ummar wasu garuruwa guda biyu da suka fada rikici a 2001 sun samu hanyar da za su zauna lafiya da juna. Wasu harare da mayar da martani da ya faru a tsakanin kiristocin unguwar Balkazai da kuma musulman unguwar Mai Damisa sun janyo asarar daruruwan rayuka da gidaje. Manyan da kungiyar ‘Youth Initiative Against Violence and Human Rights Abuse’ ta horar suna bawa matasa labaran zaman lafiya da ya wakana a Jos. Samarin da kungiyar ‘Jos Stakeholders for Peace’ ta horar kuma sun yarda su ajiye makamansu.

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  • How one Chinatown curbs anti-Asian violence and unites a city

    Anti-Asian hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic have sparked a movement nationwide to stand up against bias and to help protect those most vulnerable to attack, the elderly. In one of America's oldest Chinese enclaves, Oakland's Chinatown, Compassion in Oakland has attracted thousands of volunteers of all races and ethnicities to chaperone the elderly on their errands and to patrol the streets as additional eyes and ears for the police. Shopkeepers and residents feel safer. And, among the volunteer protectors, bridges are being built where tensions and rivalries have long existed.

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  • For this Nonprofit, Ending Female Genital Mutilation is a Mission

    The Society for the Improvement of Rural People educates communities about the physical and mental health dangers of female genital mutilation. Focusing on the five rural communities where FGM is most practiced, SIRP begins by gaining the support of religious and community leaders and then works with them to organize bigger community events where they advocate ending the practice. A particularly effective strategy has been showing a graphic and emotional video of girls undergoing the practice and women dealing with after-effects as adults. Anecdotal evidence shows that the group has changed some minds.

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  • The Polarised City (2): Jos, Divided By Religion, United By Football

    With team names like Reconciliation, Peace, Love, Humanity, and Forgiveness, the football league organized by Face of Peace Global has begun to chip away at the religious-based fears and hostility that tore their city apart for a generation. Following 18 years of sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians in which people settled into starkly separate zones, the football coaches recruited teams deliberately mixed across religious and neighborhood lines. Divisions did not dissolve instantly, but players say that over time they have grown to trust and like their teammates, small steps toward peace.

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  • Raipur's pioneering transgender police constables

    The state police in Raipur, India, is recruiting transgender candidates to its ranks for the first time. 13 out of the 97 trans women who applied were accepted to the program. The Indian transgender community faces severe discrimination which inhibits their ability to access professional opportunities.

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  • Inside New York City's Biggest Financial Relief Effort for Undocumented Immigrants

    New York City’s Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Affairs relied on help from 34 community groups to distribute a $20 million relief fund from the Open Society Foundation. The groups verified who needed the funds, and no personal information was required of the more than 24,000 people receiving aid. Membership in the organizations was not required, but limited resources made members more likely to receive aid. The limited transparency and private nature of the OSF fund served as a work around for a Trump-era executive order making it harder for immigrants receiving public assistance to get visas or green cards.

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  • The invisible shield: how activists and lawmakers are breaking down qualified immunity, Part 3

    The protests against police abuses in 2020 prodded numerous legislatures to challenge the legal doctrine of qualified immunity, which protects police officers from being sued for violating people's civil rights. Colorado's law, the first to pass, was a direct response to the protests, as was New York City's law. While one Colorado lawsuit has already been filed, the full effects of these laws and others in the pipeline won't be known for some time. Proponents say these changes won't transform police culture, but they are necessary precursors to making deeper changes.

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