Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The radical idea to reduce crime by policing less, not more

    Using the tools of medical research can help transform policing from an arbitrary and often-damaging practice ruled by gut instinct into a carefully calibrated approach to reducing crime without causing so much collateral damage. In one of dozens of randomized controlled trials, researchers discovered how much more effective it is to provide counseling and other non-punitive treatments to people charged with lower-level crimes and considered at moderate risk of committing more of the same. Knowing what actually works can make policing more effective while reducing its footprint.

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  • Colorado District Uses High School Apprentices to Grow Its Own More Diverse Teacher Workforce

    The Cherry Creek School district is using apprenticeships to create a more racially diverse pipeline of K-12 educators in Colorado. High school juniors and seniors are paid to participate in the apprenticeship, and are able to earn college credit as well. This is one of the ways the district is working on having its workforce reflect its student bodies more accurately. Currently 85% of teachers are white, and half of its student body is kids of color. Now in its second year, the program has grown from an initial cohort of 12 youth apprentices to 26,

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  • How Jordan's decision to integrate Syrian refugees is paying off

    Based on pressure from international aid organizations, the kingdom of Jordan now offers permits for refugees to work in agriculture, construction, hospitality and other industries. As a result, the large Syrian refugee community has better integrated into society and can help support their families. NGOs help refugees with the administrative paperwork and also facilitate access t0 vocational training and the equipment people need to get started in the jobs. In return, aid organizations have invested over $8 million in infrastructure and education projects.

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  • OMOMi is leveraging digital technology to provide women with easy access to quality maternal health care

    An app is offering reproductive healthcare help to women in Nigeria who don't always have access to reliable maternal and prenatal health information. While it does require the user to have access to technology, it has attracted 40,000 users so far, providing "pregnant women and mothers with access to life-saving maternal and child health information, as well as access to doctors with the touch of a button."

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  • Freedom Fund: Bringing Justice to Incarcerated LGBTQ Individuals

    The 2020 social justice uprisings drew attention, and donations, to bail funds, which use donations to bail people out of jail while their criminal charges or immigration cases are pending. One fund that benefited from this trend is the LGBTQ Freedom Fund, which focuses its financial aid and related social and educational services on LGBTQ people, given their high risks for incarceration and mistreatment in the criminal justice system. Since its 2017 founding, the fund has helped post bail for people in 15 states and its fund has grown to several million dollars.

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  • The Fight to Change Social Studies in Nebraska

    Students and educators in Nebraska are driving the change to change history curriculum to reflect history that places more emphasis on the narratives on indigenous and marginalized peoples. Students are emphasizing of historically erased narratives by creating social media videos, as well as creating petitions to change curricula in English and history classes.

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  • The Biggest Payoff From Stockton's Basic Income Program: Jobs

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton increased full-time employment rates among recipients. Cash payments improved mental health and gave participants the stability, bandwidth, and time to apply and interview for jobs.

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  • Will New York allow incarcerated people to access treatment for drug addiction?

    Medically assisted treatment is proven to reduce fatal opioid overdoses, particularly among formerly incarcerated people. When people are denied treatment in jail or prison and then resume their previous doses once they're released, they are up to 40 times more likely to die of an overdose. Only 18 of New York's county jails and fewer than one in five of its prisons provide access to such treatment drugs as Suboxone and methadone. When Rhode Island became the first state to make MAT available throughout its prisons, its overdose deaths among people recently released from incarceration dropped 60%.

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  • Using Tech, California Counties Have Cleared 140,000 Marijuana-Related Convictions

    After California legalized marijuana, it offered people a way to erase their marijuana-related criminal records. But few tried, in part because the process was difficult. Code for America's Clear My Record initiative automated the process by creating lists of cases eligible for expungement and notifying counties that they could easily take the next step. As a result, 140,000 convictions have been reduced or dismissed, relieving those people of the burden of a criminal record when applying for a job. CFA is working to expand the program nationwide.

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  • The Young Uyghurs Mobilizing to Keep Their Culture Alive

    A growing community of young Uyghurs are working to preserve and promote their culture from the diaspora. Many online networks provide ways for young people to connect, and also offer courses on traditional culture, Uyghur language, and career networking. Other groups fundraise to help Uyghurs still in China, where they live under oppressive conditions and authorities have banned most aspects of traditional Uyghur life. Dozens of Uyghur schools have popped up around the globe, where young people, many of whom have never been to China, contribute to keeping the culture alive.

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