Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Genesee County wants to change criminal justice: A New Juvenile Justice Center

    A new Juvenile Justice Center that will focus on trauma-informed treatment of children rather than simply jailing them is still more than one year from completion. But, in the years leading to its opening, the county's family courts have cut in half the numbers of children held in detention by emphasizing rehabilitation programs over jail. Many of the services are based on the "Missouri Model" of juvenile justice, which has been shown to reduce incarceration and prevent crime through evidence-based approaches that are more therapeutic than punitive.

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  • Second home in strange lands

    Coffee farmers in Costa Rica, who employ indigenous migrants and Nicaraguans to work during coffee harvests, have had to shift their practices to keep workers safe during the pandemic. The housing quarters for the workers have to meet safety standards, and many farmers have also built isolation shelters in case anyone tests positive.

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  • Soil: The Dirty Climate Solution

    More and more farmers are turning to regenerative agriculture techniques as a way to cut down on costs, increase crop yields, and sequester carbon into soil as a way to reverse the effects of climate change. One farming family in Minnesota switched to no tillage farming and also planted cover crops and used animals to fertilize their land. Some people question their methods, but these farmers saw their cost of production decrease and increased the amount of organic matter in their soil compared with their neighbors.

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  • What has Germany done to inform and protect asylum seekers in the Covid-19 pandemic?

    When the coronavirus pandemic caused Germany to enter a period of lockdown, German authorities embarked on an effort to launch multilingual campaigns to make sure asylum seekers in the country had the information necessary to stay safe. The effort used podcasts, videocasts, and posters to disseminate information, and also relied on trusted community figures and NGOs to spread awareness, rather than the authories themselves.

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  • The bold plan to save Africa's largest forest

    Under an innovative scheme in the Democratic Republic of Congo, indigenous communities are obtaining the legal right to own and manage the forests where they reside. This ownership has shown success in slowing deforestation of the Congo rainforest and creating new economic opportunities for residents in these villages. “Rather than just being an add-on, community forestry is now being considered as a mainstream model for forest management,” says a coordinator for the Rainforest Foundation UK.

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  • ‘Slow Streets' Disrupted City Planning. What Comes Next?

    When city planners rushed early in the pandemic to close streets to automobile traffic in order to give residents a safe space to roam outdoors, they ended up learning lessons entirely apart from their original goals rooted in public health and traffic safety. In Durham, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Oakland, community groups pushed back at the cities' initial failures to consider the opinions of communities of color whose neighborhoods were affected by the changes. The pushback led to collaborations and modified plans that redefined the problems at issue and the ways to address them.

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  • Black Women Find Healing (But Sometimes Racism, Too) in the Outdoors

    To encourage more Black people to explore outdoors, individuals and organizations in Colorado are working to address underlying barriers such as access to transportation and gear, as well as fear and concerns of safety. Despite the groups still encountering "frustrating" incidents with other outdoor recreationalists, the movement has spread to other states and steadily attracted a growing community of members.

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  • The ex-monk and the Thai sex mafia: helping victims find another way

    Wat Arun Rajvaram Community Learning Centre, founded on Buddhist precepts by a former monk, has trained more than 250 Thai young women for work as nurse assistants, jobs aimed at keeping them out of the illicit sex trade, forced labor, and arranged marriages. High school graduates, ages 16 to 19, are selected in groups of 15-20 per year, mostly on scholarships paid by donors. They typically come from rural towns where poor families often sell their daughters to traffickers. Nearly all graduate and are guaranteed jobs at hospitals and health centers in Bangkok or elsewhere in Thailand.

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  • CASA program uses volunteers to advocate for kids

    In 55 Ohio counties, judges can appoint volunteers from Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) programs to represent the interests of children when their families' struggles end up in court. CASA volunteers act as a judge's eyes and ears in the lives of children who are suspected of being victims of abuse or neglect, or who at least need a more stable home. They recommend placement options and treatment services. Such programs can save counties money, by replacing paid lawyers serving as guardians, and volunteers can be more attentive to children's needs.

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  • 2021 Will Be the Year of Guaranteed Income Experiments

    Universal Basic Income is gaining popularity across the United States, where 11 cities in 2021 are either extending or piloting new programs that provide cash payments without any conditions on how to spend the money. The success of UBI has been detailed in several other cities, most notably in Stockton, California, under Mayor Michael Tubbs, who has been voted out but has since launched the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. The coalition of 30 mayors will run experiments by choosing families and individuals facing economic hardship; the ultimate goal being a federal UBI program.

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