Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A New Deal for Refugees

    After hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees fled to Europe in 2015, wealthy European countries became more invested in fixing a broken immigration system, something which had traditionally fallen on poorer countries. Now, more countries are trying to integrate refugees into society, rather than keeping them separated from society in camps. Can countries like Uganda and Jordan who’ve attempted refugee resettlement provide an example for the rest of the world?

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  • U.S. Cities Issue IDs to Protect Undocumented Immigrants

    Over 20 U.S. cities have passed municipal I.D. laws, which provide a form of identification to undocumented immigrants. “Municipal IDs are one of the most effective measures that cities can implement to protect and empower undocumented people.” Poughkeepsie, New York, is the latest city to pass such a law, and several others are in the process of doing so.

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  • In A State That Voted For Trump, The Teachers Rallied When ICE Raided A Rural Nebraska Town

    Teachers, neighbors, and administrators came together to support children of immigrant parents during a raid. They converted an elementary school that was closed during the summer break, made sandwiches, brought toys, and took care of children that weren’t their own.

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  • ICE Has Conducted Hundreds of Raids in New York Since Trump Came to Power. Here's What Those Operations Look Like.

    In order to understand and end legal and extralegal ways the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency terrorizes immigrant communities it is essential to understand where and how ICE raids are happening. ICEWatch is a collaboration between immigrant advocacy organizations to map ICE raids—mostly in New York City—and document the tactics, location, and story of the raid.

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  • Keby sme boli Rómovia, z Británie by sme sa už nevrátili

    V ostrom kontraste s ich slovenskou vlasťou, Anglicko otvorilo svoju náruč rómskym prisťahovalcom a ponúklo im súbor opatrení, ktoré im majú pomôcť uspieť v ich novej krajine. Rómovia, ktorí sa stali obeťami rasizmu na oboch miestach, ale najmä medzi Slovákmi, dostávajú v Anglicku zdravotné poradenstvo a pomoc pri vzdelávaní, ktorých podstatou je inklúzia. Napríklad britská politika v oblasti školskej dochádzky zvýšila dochádzku rómskych detí o 30 percent a len málo z nich je posunutých do špeciálnych škôl.

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  • Amal, Berlin! Helps Refugees Find Their Way in Germany

    Tens of thousands of readers read Amal, Berlin!, "an Arabic, Farsi and German-language digital newspaper that covers local news in Berlin and Germany.” The newspaper helps refugees navigate their new home in their native language, easing their transition into a new culture and way of life.

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  • In New York, volunteers engage in a quiet form of advocacy for immigrants facing deportation

    Walking with immigrants to their court hearings and ICE check-ins can help them feel supported and protect their safety and rights. The New Sanctuary Coalition has run an accompaniment program since 2007. Volunteers do not interfere with proceedings, but by their presence, they demonstrate community support of immigrants and play witness to interactions between immigrants and government officials.

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  • 'ICE Is Everywhere': Using Library Science to Map the Separation Crisis

    Using their research skills to obtain public information, a group of librarians created an interactive map showing the location of ICE offices and juvenile detention facilities. They also created a toolkit to assist digital humanities workers to know how to respond in a crisis.

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  • Inside the Effort to Bring Haitian Religious Leaders to the Forefront of Social Activism

    Lawyers and clergy in New York City are partnering to help Haitian-American immigrants learn about their rights. An organizer is overcoming a reluctance from some pastors to engage in what's seen as activism by developing personal relationships with leaders and attending community events.

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  • From Farm to Factory: The Rural-Urban Coalition for Immigrants' Rights

    A group of activists in Waukesha, Wisconsin are honoring the role of immigrants in the community by mobilizing 10,000 people from rural and urban areas across the state to march for the "Day without Latinx & Immigrants." The group, called Voces De La Frontera, also uses the collective power immigrant workers have in the dairy state to influence policy and gain protections for migrants. Through inclusion and conversation, Voces now has 1,500 members, nine adult chapters, and 15 youth chapters in schools, all working together to support immigrants in Wisconsin.

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