Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • ICE Came for a Tennessee Town's Immigrants. The Town Fought Back.

    After a raid in a Tennessee plant resulted in 97 immigrants being detained, and 130 American-born children affected, a town came together to help their immigrant neighbors. A church was converted into a crisis response center, professors organized a speaking event at the college, 1,000 attended a prayer vigil, and 300 marched in a protest downtown. “We love Morristown. We are here to send a message of love and unity.”

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  • In Lebanon, a Controversial Approach to Ending Domestic Worker Abuse

    Equip is a business in Lebanon that is trying to prevent further abuse of domestic workers, by helping them communicate better with their employers. “Their business model relies on employers paying for the company’s services, which range from $10 to $550, and include English lessons, first-aid training, legal translation, and conflict mediation.”

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  • Crossing Divides: Turkish schools help Syrians integrate

    Since the Syrian conflict began, some “3.5 million Syrian refugees have poured into Turkey” causing strife and divisions between the two groups. That’s why the E.U is funding schools that integrate Turkish and Syrian children in the same classroom. The aim is to help Syrian’s integrate into Turkish society.

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  • Learning to love school in a foreign land

    Schools across Turkey are working to support hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugee children crossing the border. The schools aim to integrate Syrian children into their schools while accepting Syrian culture and customs.

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  • Sun, sand and thousands of refugees: the Lesbos volunteer

    Ayesha Keller was part of a group of volunteers that went to the Moria Refugee Camp in Lesbos, Greece to help. Since they weren’t part of an NGO, they were not allowed inside the camp, and instead helped thousands of refugees staying outside of the camp in the surrounding olive grove. The volunteers set up their own systems and used the skills they had to respond to the needs of the community. “It was always about seeing about the gaps were and responding in a very organic way.”

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  • Refugees Get a Taste of Swiss University Life

    A pilot program from the University of Zurich allowed 20 refugee students to attend classes for one semester. Although only a trial, students from Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Iran, plus Chechnya, Palestine and Zimbabwe were chosen for the trial.“It’s phenomenal,” one of the student refugees said. Furthermore, the pilot program forms part of a growing trend among Swiss universities, which are trying to make it easier for refugee students to access higher education.

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  • A Year Later, Fewer Deportations in Cities That Adopted “Welcoming” Policies

    In the state of New Mexico, policy makers, activists, religious leaders, and the community are all working hand in hand to make the state a safe harbor for undocumented immigrants. The state is refusing to cooperate with ICE and aside from California is one of the most friendly to immigrants. A community organizer says, “We wanted to push back against this narrative that ICE just gets to come in our communities and kidnap people from their homes.”

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  • Human experience will always speak louder than any campaign

    A campaign by human rights organization Amnesty International is emphasizing personal stories of hope and understanding instead of encouraging fear and trepidation. So far, the viral campaigns have helped to show the plight of refugees in human terms and given those who disagree with their human rights a reason to see a new perspective.

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  • Hole in the Fence

    In the 1980s the Mexican economy falls and a surge of undocumented immigrants begin crossing the Rio Grande river into El Paso, TX. Border Patrol agents begin stopping and questioning high school students near the border in Bowie High School. After one of the high school teachers finds out, the students began to organize, eventually suing border patrol for infringing on their constitutional rights. Ultimately, the high school students win a landmark civil rights case. “We couldn’t believe we took on the federal government and won.”

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  • Border Trilogy Part 1: Hole in the Fence

    In the 90s, a teacher at Bowie High School, located on the border city of El Paso, Texas, found out that hundreds of his Mexican-American students were being harassed and questioned by Border Patrol agents. Their fourth amendment rights were being violated and a group of students decided to fight back—they sued Border Patrol and won. The court ruled that Border Patrol violated their civil rights and the decision effectively barred Border Patrol from questioning people on the basis of their appearance.

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