Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Do Deportations Lower Crime? Not According to the Data

    A federal deportation program called Secure Communities has been around off and on since 2008, and is a collaboration between local law enforcement agencies and federal immigration like Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). While responding to a perceived connection between illegal immigration and crime, the heavy-handed approach to deportation hasn’t actually had any effect on crime rates, recent studies have shown. The research has also fact-checked another myth about the program – that it helps police solve crimes better – which hasn’t proven to have any distinct correlation.

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  • Refugee cooks from Syria and Iraq in Germany share food to make friends and integrate into society

    A German organization called Uber den Tellerrand brings together refugees and locals for a meal handmade by those who migrated from Syria and Iraq. The meal brings people together over a delicious meal, offers authentic food from those countries, and allows those cooking to feel like they are giving back to the community. Another initiative to aid the resettlement process is a program called Start with a Friend (SWAF) pairs locals and newcomers to develop friendships and help refugees better learn the language along the way.

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  • Muslims bailout fund raises nearly $150,000 to reunite migrant families

    A campaign called Muslims for Migrants by the Islamic nonprofit CelebrateMercy raises money to pay bond fees for immigrant parents who are detained while awaiting trial. The funds are donated to another nonprofit called the National Bail Fund Network, and so far the funds have released ten parents back to their families. The director of CelebrateMercy says that the forced separation of families is against everything taught by the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.

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  • ‘If You're Like Me, You Can't Sit By. This Is America.'

    Connecting children with volunteer lawyers can greatly assist immigration cases. Nonprofits like the Safe Passage Project and Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) work to provide children, often separated from their families, with legal defense. Without a lawyer, many children face immigration hearings alone, adding great trauma to a complicated process. A majority of unrepresented children are deported. Nonprofit legal groups across the US are working to create a safety net of legal counsel.

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  • School on Wheels Program Turns Bus Into School for Asylum-Seeking Children

    School on Wheels is a program serving children in a refugee camp along the U.S.-Mexico border by transforming an old school bus into a space for learning. The school can fit up to 80 children, all of whom are waiting for asylum in the U.S. It is run by the California-based nonprofit, Yes We Can, and it currently has 3 teachers and over 30 students. The school aims to teach the children values like love, happiness, and being a good person while they are at a particularly tumultuous time in their lives.

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  • Interlocking Bricks: A Solution To Environment Degradation

    Because deforestation in Uganda is rapidly increasing, including in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, a new tactic for constructing bricks for housing that didn't require trees was developed by Mercy Corps, UK Aid, and the Office of the Prime Minister. The new bricks are made of interlocking soil bricks consisting of sand, gravel, cement, and little water. This new solution is cost-effective, can be made on site, and preserves the local trees.

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  • Skilling South Sudanese Refugees In Bidibidi Settlement Restores Lost Hope

    The Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda offers refugees a chance to learn a skilled trade at the Yoyo Youth Vocational Skills Center. At no cost to them, students can learn brick laying, carpentry, tailoring and cutting garments, hair dressing, environmental protection, and more. Since its opening in 2018, most of its students are making a living off of their acquired skills, and many testify to how the center changed their lives.

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  • Refugees and host community gang up to fight climate change

    The Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda, the largest such settlement in the world, is working with a number of agencies including the UNHCR and The Office of the Prime Minister to address environmental issues in their ever-growing settlement. They are strategizing about a number of initiatives to improve life and conditions where they live with topics like Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Education, Health, or Infrastructure. Current solutions include planting over 470,000 trees, local communities donating land for settlers to build their own crops, and environmental education in the local schools.

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  • Cotton For Livelihood In Bidibidi

    Refugees in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement need a new source of income after relocating, so a program with NGO Mercy Corps has now given a number of farmers seeds for a cash crop: cotton. Farmers received a special modified version of the seeds, allowing them to harvest much earlier, and they sell the cotton to Gulu Agricultural Development Company. One man in particular, Ismail Matata, urges his neighbors to grow it and says that he had recently earned 700,000 UGX (about $189 USD) from his harvest.

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  • Court Observers Are Shining a Light on the Immigration Court System

    One way that any ordinary citizen can lend a hand to the plight of those caught in the American immigration system is by being a court observer: someone who sits in immigration court and takes notes by hand. Several organizations are working to develop a standardized way of evaluating judges' treatment of migrants to put it in a central database so that the data can be used to evaluate the human impact by the system as a whole. People who participate testify to the job alleviating despair over the situation as they can mitigate any unfair practices going unnoticed.

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