Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How the White Mountain Apache Tribe Beat COVID

    The White Mountain Apache Tribe curbed COVID-19 death rates with contact-tracing, surveillance of high-risk people, and vaccinations. After a devastating COVID-19 outbreak, health officials began daily home visits to monitor vital signs of those who tested positive and those at greatest risk, allowing positive cases to be identified early. In combination with prior health outreach programs, this helped the team to form strong bonds with tribal members, which has been key to the program’s success. This familiarity has also helped them address vaccine hesitancy as they vaccinate people in their homes.

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  • Get There Fast or Safe? A Crowdsourced Map Gives You the Option

    In 71 cities around the world, users of the My Safetipin mobile app can decide whether to visit a particular neighborhood or plan a travel route based on how safe others deem those places. While the 100,000 or so users, more than half in India, constitute too small a user base to make the mapping app truly universal, its crowdsourced data already have prompted the Delhi and Bogota governments to improve street lighting on streets deemed unsafe because they are not well lit. The app's primary goal is to make the streets safer for women.

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  • A New Project Is Bringing the Gay ‘Green Book' Online

    In 1965 a traveling salesman published a series of travel guides with gay or gay-friendly businesses across the U.S. that became survival guides for the LGBTQ community. “Mapping the Gay Guides” has digitized those collections, allowing users to explore the original descriptions and added historical content written by graduate students. Reasons for why locations appear and disappear from year-to-year are provided, which sometimes intersect with LGBTQ hate crimes. A $350,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities will allow them to continue to preserve and make the forgotten history accessible.

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  • 20 million Americans still don't have enough to eat. A grass-roots movement of free fridges aims to help

    The pandemic economy has left more people without money for quality food, a need addressed in some communities by "freedges" – community-run refrigerators dispensing free food. The food gets donated by groceries, restaurants, and individuals. Volunteers maintain the fridges, which typically are placed outdoors on a sidewalk. This form of "mutual aid" has grown in popularity nationwide, despite food-safety concerns by city health officials.

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  • The problem fueling the essential housing crisis and how to fix it

    Charlotte's tight housing market can prove unaffordable to young professionals, with high rents equal to half a person's income. The "essential housing" niche, a middle ground between luxury homes and lower-cost "affordable" housing, provides an opportunity to economize on construction costs and pass those savings on to renters. Fewer apartment floor plan options and fancy amenities can translate into rents up to $700 less, a marketing strategy that has given the developer a strong rental business – and its younger customers a relative bargain in an expensive market.

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  • LGBTQ Refugees Carving Out Their Path to Integration

    Spektrum, a self-organized LGBTQ+ migrant organization, provides a space of belonging to queer migrants, who often feel out of place and ill-served by traditional organizations that do not understand the violence and trauma they have endured. Spektrum has a non-hierarchical leadership structure and provides members with practical and relevant activities, like a bicycle repair workshop, which is important as many migrants rely on bikes as their main mode of transportation. The group was invited to help organize Cologne Pride and has advised the city on the lack of social services in some neighborhoods.

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  • Queer and Roma in Romania

    MozaiQ provides support for the LGBTQ community and fosters stronger ties among queer Romanians. The group creates safe spaces and offers programming, from football championships to job fairs and professional skills building classes. It also helps with urgent needs, like finding emergency shelter, and fosters long-term relationships in the community, offering pro bono training to companies on the importance of inclusivity in the workplace. The group has particularly empowered queer Romas, whose intersectional identities compound issues of discrimination, increase their confidence to fight for their rights.

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  • 'What most kids need': How one school community got SMART when its rural hospital closed

    School Health Model for Academics Reaching All and Transforming Lives (SMART) clinics are school-based clinics that fill in rural healthcare gaps. SMART clinics are fully funded for three years and then must be self-sustaining. Nurse practitioners and physicians provide routine medical care, like checkups and treating minor illnesses and injuries. Licensed social workers assess the needs of each student and provide onsite counseling, which has reduced the stigma of seeking mental health treatments. Care is free to all students, while community members who use the clinic are billed a co-pay.

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  • FS Investments takes its poverty-fighting work nationwide

    Philadelphia Financial Scholars is bringing financial literacy to students and their families as well. Students are taught about credit scores, bank accounts, and budgets, as well as entrepreneurial skills through an experience that could culminate in a $1,000 prize and help starting a business if it wins. Adults are invited to come in on weekends and weeknights to learn the same curriculum. Local companies have financed the program which strives to take the first steps towards bridging the racial wealth gap.

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  • Homeward Bound is removing the barriers between single mothers and a new career

    Homeward Bound Peterborough helps single mothers overcome their most common causes of homelessness: limited access to housing, childcare, and education. Based on a program in Toronto that has helped hundreds, the Peterborough program is serving its first cohort of seven families by providing them with affordable apartments, childcare, free college tuition, job readiness programs, and other services. The admissions criteria are strict, because even with the help it's hard to juggle a family and school while parenting alone.

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