Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • People Fixing the World: How a bicycle tripled one woman's income

    Bicycles are improving mobility for Zambians living in rural areas. Access to affordable bicycles has increased their business profits, drastically cut their travel time to school, and improved access to health facilities in the countryside. Residents are able to pay small monthly installments for the bicycles, which have drastically improved their quality of life. The majority of Zambians living outside of cities live over 1 mile away from a good road.

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  • A solution to the cycle of poverty?

    Two-generation programs, like Home of Hope in Atlanta Georgia, help families tackle the many intricate issues that, especially when combined, lead to poverty or keep a family in poverty. These programs also help families with basic needs like internet, room and board, free meals, and financial planning. In Austin, Texas, the Jeremiah Program operates with the same two-generation approach families facing poverty by addressing the root causes, which often includes mental health support, higher education classes and more for families facing poverty.

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  • Raipur's pioneering transgender police constables

    The state police in Raipur, India, is recruiting transgender candidates to its ranks for the first time. 13 out of the 97 trans women who applied were accepted to the program. The Indian transgender community faces severe discrimination which inhibits their ability to access professional opportunities.

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  • Las Vegas's Traffic School for Pedestrians

    In Las Vegas, pedestrians and drivers ticketed for unsafe behavior can get their fines voided by taking a three-hour class called PedSAFE. More than 2,800 people have taken the class and, say its sponsors from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, graduate with a better understanding of how to keep pedestrians safe on Las Vegas' wide, pedestrian-unfriendly streets. While helpful, the program does not address more long-lasting fixes, such as ending racially inequitable jaywalking enforcement and designing safer streets.

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  • Restorative Justice in Indian Country

    Like standard drug courts, the Penobscot Nation's Healing to Wellness Court refers people facing drug-related criminal charges to substance abuse counseling as an alternative to punishment. But this court and other tribal wellness courts are steeped in indigenous customs, blended with restorative justice approaches, to emphasize rehabilitation based on trust, support, and native traditions. The threat of punishment looms over participants should they fail in their counseling program. But no one has been jailed in the past two years in the Penobscot program.

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  • Trolley Times newsletter gives voice to protesting farmers in India

    India's protesting farmers objected to the news media's coverage of their protests, seeing it as too pro-government. Trolley Times became the grassroots response: a startup newsletter about the protests, often written by the protesters themselves, along with articles by academics and economists. To appeal to its older audience, who have rural traditions of sharing the news in their communities, the newsletter is printed and distributed at four protest sites in three languages. It also has a global audience online, which has offered the protesters and the newsletter support.

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  • A lot of moving parts: A rundown on affordable housing in Boulder County

    Almost since housing costs shot up in Boulder County in recent decades, the city of Boulder and surrounding communities have used a variety of methods to protect working-class residents from being priced out of a luxury-dominated market. Some of the measures have bumped affordable-housing inventory up a few percentage points. But the numerous special taxes and incentives, plus coordination by a regional housing body, still fall far short of meeting the need thanks to two main factors: lack of funding and building-density restrictions. This story opens a series on what more can be done.

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  • Africa's Wikipedia Editors Are Changing How the World Sees Their Continent

    WikiAfrica Education increases information about Africa’s diverse languages, cultures, and politics from the voices and perspectives of African people. AfroCuration events enlist the help of young people to create and edit content for Wikipedia. The volunteers receive lessons on democracy and freedom movements and then use that information to create profiles of key events and history-makers. Strategic partnerships provide technical support and other resources, which have enabled hundreds of young people to produce hundreds of new entries and translate many existing entries into indigenous languages.

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  • 'One generation away'

    Diné College, the first tribally-controlled accredited college, provides over 1,300 students with opportunities to learn cultural traditions and the Navajo language, alongside traditional academic subjects. The school helps preserve the Navajo language, arts, skills, and customs by teaching it to younger generations. Learning Navajo traditions and language helps students make stronger connections with elders and they find the Indigenous philosophies that the school was founded on useful for overcoming obstacles, like finding ways to continue their education during the coronavirus pandemic.

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  • What Other States Can Learn from Georgia's Historic Elections

    A complex combination of successful fundraising campaigns, engaging with and energizing Black voters, and mobilizing the state’s other ethnic and racial groups helped Democrats flip Georgia blue in 2020. Large financial investments allowed organizers to implement effective voter education and registration campaigns and distribute the resources to areas where the need to mobilize voters was greatest. Organizers tapped into Black culture through food, music, and the Black church to energize voters. They also conducted multiracial, multi-ethnic, and multilingual outreach to engage other marginalized groups.

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