Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • ‘Race against the clock': the school fighting to save the Ojibwe language before its elders pass away

    Waadookodaading is an Ojibwe immersion school that meets state and federal academic standards but does so entirely in the indigenous language by connecting children to their cultural heritage. The school goes through 8th grade and uses the forest as its classrooms where traditional ceremonies and practices are used to teach lessons. For example, students learn math while harvesting maple sap and wild rice and biology through practicing sustainable fishing and hunting. Community elders play an important role in passing on their knowledge to students and the 100 graduates provide hope for the language’s future

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  • A collaboration of local orgs is working to boost minority-owned businesses in Kensington

    Four local organizations have teamed up to provide $15 million in loans for the Latinx community in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. The affordable loans have gone to affordable housing, small businesses, residential mortgages, and development projects.

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  • Bay Area Girls Lead Campaign Against Sexual Harassment on Public Transit

    A coalition of groups advocating for young girls of color succeeded in winning new policies and financial support to combat sexual harassment on public transportation. By surveying middle and high school students about their experiences, the groups behind the "Not One More Girl" campaign convinced Bay Area Rapid Transit system officials to install posters, make reporting of incidents easier, and pay for non-police "transit ambassadors" and crisis intervention specialists to patrol trains.

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  • The invisible shield: how qualified immunity was created and nearly destroyed the ability to sue police officers in America Pt. I

    The Civil Rights Act of 1871, as a direct response to white resistance to Reconstruction-era reforms in the former Confederacy, gave people the right to sue government officials for depriving them of their civil rights. But a series of court decisions from the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s through the 1980s undercut the law's intent, so much so that police officers ended up with "qualified immunity" from liability for rights violations – effectively avoiding accountability, even when they act in bad faith.

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  • In Denver, Tiny Homes Take On Affordable Housing

    Denver's Beloved Community Village is a development of 20 "tiny houses," affordable single-family homes that have helped residents obtain stable housing at rates that allow them to get ahead financially. Charlotte would have to change its zoning laws, and some residents' attitudes, to allow for such a hedge against homelessless. Those changes are possible, but will take time and much effort.

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  • How satellite images are helping one country hand out cash

    "Poverty maps" that combine satellite imagery and survey data enabled the Togolese government to target emergency pandemic charitable aid to the people in greatest need. Togo officials relied on the expertise of University of California-Berkeley researchers whose system interprets aerial images showing such factors as the density and condition of housing. Initially, 35,000 people received $13-$15 per month for five months to make up for the loss of jobs and small-business income during pandemic shutdowns. Applications were sought from targeted areas through advertising, and money was sent via mobile phones.

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  • Child Tax Credit could help slash the country's poverty rate. How have similar programs worked?

    The Child Tax Credit included in the coronavirus relief package provides a guaranteed income for families with children. The merits of guaranteed income have been established in multiple countries as well as local programs in the United States. Results have shown that cash payments allow people to focus on whatever their basic needs are. Poverty rates in places like Alaska have dropped drastically due to cash payments from the government.

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  • Questions Remain About New Affordable Homeownership Program Run by an Atlanta For-Profit

    Renters in Atlanta’s DeKalb County were given the opportunity to buy their homes at below-market values. Instead of selling homes to the highest bidders, a development company that bought the 72 homes sought to prevent displacement, create affordable housing, and help keep longtime residents in the neighborhood - especially those who make 60 to 100 percent of the area median income. Despite the good intentions, the solution did not take into account financial challenges such as bad credit, which hinders the ability to purchase a home or the expenses of owning a home, which can lead to debt.

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  • Meet the Black Mambas, South Africa's all-female anti-poaching unit

    The Black Mambas are an all-female anti-poaching and ranger unit based in South Africa’s Balule Nature Reserve. They patrol on foot and by vehicle to remove bushmeat snares and look for evidence of illegal poaching activities. They also run the Bush Babies Environmental Education Programme, which teaches local school children about wildlife and conservation. The group combines anti-poaching enforcement with efforts to ensure local communities have food security and understand the economic and employment benefits of tourism as a way to protect wildlife. The Mambas are seen as role models within the community.

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  • Guaranteed Income in Jackson Designed By Black Moms for Black Moms, Showing Results for Black Moms

    Beneficiaries of a guaranteed income program in Mississippi have received monthly cash payments that they are free to spend however they need to. Known as Magnolia Mothers, the program has allowed mothers to pay off debt, invest in business, avoid predatory loans, and consider educational opportunities that can help increase their income and quality of life.

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