Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • California job seekers found new careers with help from a rent relief program. Here's how

    Rent relief payments in California are helping public housing residents pursue full-time employment. The Jobs-Plus initiative provides payments that are conditional on enrolling in job training and placement programs. An increased income often disqualifies public housing residents from benefits and subsidies such as food stamps, childcare, and discounted rent rates which can negate the increased income from higher wages or more hours. Rent relief empowers residents to build a security net for themselves in addition to pursing full-time employment without the strain of losing much-needed benefits.

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  • This Ride-Hailing Platform Wants to be Better for Everyone, Starting with Drivers

    An equitable alternative to Uber and Lyft is giving drivers ownership of a ride-hailing platform with many perks that aren’t available to workers in the gig economy. The Drivers Cooperative is providing drivers with lower interest vehicle loans, better insurance rates, and a pilot program to test their own ride-hailing app.

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  • Freedom Fund: Bringing Justice to Incarcerated LGBTQ Individuals

    The 2020 social justice uprisings drew attention, and donations, to bail funds, which use donations to bail people out of jail while their criminal charges or immigration cases are pending. One fund that benefited from this trend is the LGBTQ Freedom Fund, which focuses its financial aid and related social and educational services on LGBTQ people, given their high risks for incarceration and mistreatment in the criminal justice system. Since its 2017 founding, the fund has helped post bail for people in 15 states and its fund has grown to several million dollars.

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  • How women are helping communities defeat food insecurity

    Women are given the tools and training needed to monetize skills they already have in order to reduce food insecurity. From the Middle East to Africa and Central America, skills such as hammock weaving, cooking, and farming are helping women reduce poverty and create better lives for their families and communities. Empowering women and girls results in powerful ripple effects.

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  • Mothers and Sons program helps women raise boys to become non-violent, respectful men

    Mothers and Sons is a six-week domestic-violence prevention program for boys 6-8 years old and their mothers. Unlike programs aimed at older youth and men, mothers sign up for this because they want their sons to grow up with healthy, respectful, non-violent attitudes toward women. While mothers meet with social workers to discuss parenting skills, boys meet with a male psychologist to learn good ways to handle their emotions and self-expression. Demand for the program has been strong among area mothers, who have given it positive reviews after they completed it.

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  • The Cherokee Nation Infuses Cash Into Language Revitalization Efforts

    Tribal members are being paid to learn the Cherokee language through the Master Apprentice Program. The $16 million effort to maintain a tie to the culture through language is being funded from the tribe’s casino revenues. Participation has increased since the inception of the initiative six years ago.

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  • The Biggest Payoff From Stockton's Basic Income Program: Jobs

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton increased full-time employment rates among recipients. Cash payments improved mental health and gave participants the stability, bandwidth, and time to apply and interview for jobs.

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  • Experiences elsewhere seek to quell abuse, providing lessons for Malheur County

    The Duluth Model is one of multiple successful responses to domestic violence that focus on prevention through counseling and education, rather than relying only on punishment after a crime has been committed. The often-copied Duluth approach uses an intense, multi-agency response that includes putting men who abuse their partners through a lengthy treatment program. That program leads men to examine their lives and attitudes toward women, and has been credited with keeping 70% of its graduates out of trouble.

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  • Stockton's Basic-Income Experiment Pays Off

    A pilot project provided residents who made less than the median income in Stockton, California, with monthly cash payments. The extra money helped recipients secure employment, avoid housing instability, handle unexpected expenses that would otherwise derail their budgets, reduce debt, improve mental health, and help friends and family when necessary. A nationwide initiative is expanding the program to other cities as well.

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  • Koori hearings

    The Marram-Ngala Ganbu program, also known as Koori Family Hearing Day, provides a child-protection specialist to support Indigenous families before family court hearings, support them in the hearing, connect them to services as needed, and ensure cases are managed in culturally appropriate ways. The hearings incorporate aspects of the family’s culture, such as their totem, and community elders can participate. About 400 families have participated in the program and an independent evaluation found that the Indigenous community believe the program gives them a voice and makes a difference for their children.

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