Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Nonprofit Is Calling Out Racism In Unexpected Places Audio icon

    Governing Hope, an anti-racism organization, is combating racism in Portland by asking white people to pay reparations. The organization created an event called “Reparations Power Hour,” which invites people of color for a discussion and food. They also receive $10 for showing up. The money is donated primarily by white people. “ We call on folks to imagine what reparations in their own communities could look like.”

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  • In North Dakota, Native Americans Try to Turn an ID Law to Their Advantage

    After a Republican led state law that bans people without an address from voting took effect, Native American tribes in North Dakota began organizing to get out the vote. They even began creating their own addresses. They teamed up with Claremont Graduate University in California and overlaid “ voting precinct maps on satellite images of the reservations and assigned each precinct one address.” “The right to vote can be taken for granted until someone tries to take it away from you, and then it can be the reason you do vote.”

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  • PRISM LGBT Art Program Provides Support, Art to LGBT Youth

    LGBT adolescents are invited to come to the PRISM Art Education classes put on by an Athens, Ohio arts organization. Through these classes, the youth learn skills, but more importantly get to know peers and build a supportive community.

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  • Students Most Likely To Succeed

    In areas of high poverty, students in San Antonio, Texas are highly encouraged and supported to take the next step after high school to go on to challenging universities and gain a degree. Their efforts, which include talking about college as early as kindergarten and one-on-one year-long guidance to identify strengths and choose the right college, are particularly targeted at students who will not only be the first one in their family to attend college, but the first in their family to leave the state. Students share that they feel prepared, challenged, and optimistic about their time away from home.

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  • This Could Be The Most Progressive Country On Earth

    In New Zealand politics, families, children, and the environment come first. Amidst the rise of right-wing populist governments, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stands out for her energy fighting for progressive values and positivity. Her track record already shows a raise in paid parental leave to 26 weeks, time off policy for victims of domestic violence, and a ban on new exploration of oil and gas. Though she admits change is slower than ideal, Ardern stands out for being a leader that voices the need for change and then acts on it.

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  • Straight Women Are Marrying Each Other for Safety in Tanzania

    A unique Kuria tribal tradition in Tanzania called nyumba ntobhu (“house of women”) allows two women to legally marry despite a national persecution of homosexuality. The younger woman in the pair will bear children (by outside men) to become part of the older woman's family, thus ensuring that the older woman's land and lineage are passed on. Although this is a successful solution for some women who are escaping domestic violence, financial dependence, or loneliness, for other women it can be as limiting as a heterosexual codependent relationship.

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  • How transgender people in the South are helping each other get health care

    After accompanying trans people to their doctors appointments, and answering their medical questions, Kale Edmindson founded Trans Buddy in 2013. “Transgender people can call a hotline and get a trained “buddy” to answer their questions, refer them to a trans-friendly provider, or accompany them when seeing a doctor.” Since then, hundreds of people have been served and the model was replicated by the Kentucky Health Justice Network.

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  • These Kenyan widows are fighting against sexual 'cleansing'

    In Kenya, and in other parts of Africa, widows are considered impure until a male has sex with them and cleanses them. If they don’t get cleansed they face social stigma. However, one widow, Roseline Orwa, refused, and instead created the Rona Foundation. “The center provides loss and grief counseling, financial support and teaches entrepreneurial skills.” She also successfully lobbied for a bill that outlawed widow cleansing. However, even though the practice is still prevalent in rural parts of Kenya, both men and women are talking about ending the practice through talk sessions offered by the center. “A

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  • A movement for police accountability is on Nashville's November ballot

    The killing of Jocques Clemmons, an unarmed black man that was shot by a white officer in Tennessee, became the catalyst that spurred a community to action. A community oversight board would be in charge of investigating police misconduct by the MNPD. Grassroots organizers, activists, and residents fulfilled the 4,000 signatures needed for a referendum vote on the board, and if approved would join a growing movement that is trying to address police shootings of unarmed black men. “More than 200 cities already have boards in place with varying degrees of success.”

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  • The Informal Bank That Empowers Kenya's Poorest Women

    In villages in Bubisa, Kenya, women have come together to form informal community banks so that they may have greater financial access and power. These groups of women together save money, and then lend and borrow money with one another, giving themselves the chance to own property and send their kids to school – without having to rely on their husbands.

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