Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In push to 'fast track' women into office, gender quotas gain traction

    Starting in the mid 1980s and 1990s, African and Latin American countries began to implement “gender quotas” to integrate more women in politics. Now, “12 of the top 20 countries in the world for women’s legislative representation are in Africa and Latin America.”

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  • How This Southern City Is Becoming a Mecca for Startups

    The South has not historically been known as a place to work in a tech startup, but Birmingham is changing that perception. Now, venture capitalists, a local university, and the government are pouring funding into high growth companies in Alabama, knowing the money will last longer in Birmingham than in a coastal city like New York or San Francisco. As startups are helping the city grow, talent is beginning to follow.

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  • A group of janitors started a movement to stop sexual abuse

    After a documentary brought to light the prevalence of sexual assault experiences by women janitors, a California janitors union decided it was going to do something about the issue. Women leaders within the union convinced leadership to take on the issue, got a state representative to sponsor a bill to curb sexual harassment in the janitorial industry, and workers held a hunger strike at the state capitol. Every janitor must now have "anti-sexual harassment training," and employers must integrate the law into practice in order to do business.

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  • Making history by saving it: UW groups keep indigenous languages alive

    “It’s like my tongue is tap-dancing,” is how one student described learning Lushootseed, an indigenous language. Colleges and universities are allowing students to get a credit for learning an indigenous language. A feat, that for some, is a way to relearn a lost history.

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  • Colombia's peace agreement is the world's first to have gender at its core

    Colombia’s 2016 peace accord has a chapter on gender and sections specifically responsive to women’s needs, such as an affirmation of women’s right to own land and the establishment of a special unit to investigate conflict-related sexual violence. These provisions, a result of trailblazing inclusion of women and LGBTQ groups in the peace process, break new ground in recognizing the gendered impacts of armed conflict.

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  • Energy Democracy: People Power for a Cleaner Planet

    As the United States grapples with the already-occurring effects of climate change, there is a growing call from the energy democracy movement to make sure energy efficiency remains equitable and affordable. Initiatives like Mississippi’s One Voice or the South Bronx’s Mothers on the Move recognize that climate change hits low-income first and most and are working to address the unequal power dynamics through shared, power-powered energy initiatives.

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  • Finding the formula

    Officials in rural Montana towns are trying to find what the correct “formula” is for spurring population growth. The town of Choteau is working with the Montana Economic Developers Association to conduct research assessments to gain insight. In the past, these assessments show tangible growth in other towns, so Choteau will model its development efforts based on the data they collect. This is part of a series on economic development in Montana.

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  • Healthier kids? Just hand their families cash.

    A study of a 1910 cash-based welfare program in the United States reveals the positive lifelong results of giving families cash to reduce poverty and prevent the long-term effects associated with it. Providing cash for families with children once resulted in a better rate of return in the form of better nutrition, higher socio-economic status and longer life expectancy. Currently, the government provides the "deserving poor" with welfare benefits such as health coverage and food aid but recipients must meet the strict requirements for eligibility.

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  • How to enforce gender equality? Iceland tests the waters

    Although Iceland has ranked the most gender equal nation in the world by The Word Economic Forum, there is still a gender pay gap. A new law might change that. Iceland has become the first, and only country to punish companies that pay women less than men.

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  • Rwanda: Gender equality

    Rwanda has the smallest gender gap in Africa. Women’s access to education, healthcare, politics, and property is considered across the board in policymaking from law to national budgeting. Gender-based violence continues to be a problem like elsewhere in the world, but women’s economic and political participation is strong. “I can walk into a boardroom and forget I’m a woman,” said Isabelle Masozera, a PR executive.

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