Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Denmark's new feminist party declares, 'Out with the racists! In with the feminists!'

    “Out with the racists, in with the feminists!” is the slogan of a new political party in Denmark. The Feministik Initiativ is “a new intersectional feminist party in Denmark.” It won 3,258 votes in the regional election. The party hopes to counter anti-immigrant sentiment, as well as fight for issues like equal pay and zero employment discrimination.

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  • Native American peacemaking courts offer a model for reform

    A growing number of tribal judges nationwide - including Judge Abby Abinanti of the Yurok Tribal Court - are using a framework of traditional culture and an approach known as "restorative justice" to address both the need for rehabilitation of offenders and resolution for people often failed by the dominant criminal justice system.

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  • How a struggling school for Native Americans doubled its graduation rate

    Since opening its doors in 2006, the Native American Community Academy has built up a school led by native leaders and centered around curricula informed by tribal cultures in New Mexico. The charter school has had remarkable success educating a population that has traditionally sat at the bottom of math and reading test score rankings and is now exporting its model to other tribes around the country.

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  • In remote Kenyan villages, solar startups bring light

    In a small town in Kenya called Machakos, several solar power startups are bringing light and electricity to families who previously went without. Using a pay-as-you-go mobile payment system and a single solar panel, customers receive three light bulbs, a phone charging station, and a radio. This new method is much cleaner and more affordable than the previously-used kerosene and allows people to make a livelihood for themselves even after the sun goes down.

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  • Women are being failed by medical research—here's how policy can help

    Medical research studies have failed to address the impact of gender, and some studies even exclude females in “later stage clinical trials.” This discrepancy results from women being underrepresented in the medical science. The Office of Research on Women’s Health has piloted a Policy on Sex as a Biological variable to fund research that is addresses gender differences; the National Institute of Health has initiated a Working Group on Women in Biomedical Careers.

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  • Argentina is using tech to teach its youth about sex, drugs, and violence

    Knowledge about sex, drugs and violence is alarmingly low in Argentina and surrounding areas, which has caused the government and other organizations to step in. Hablemos de Todo is an interactive online resource that provides information on a myriad of topics, plus a place for people to anonymously ask experts questions.

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  • N.H. Businesses Step Up to Help Tackle State's Drug Crisis

    Businesses across New Hampshire are contributing to the fight against the opioid epidemic by increasing efforts to recruit and support employees in recovery from addiction. Strategies include outreach to hire more people in recovery (with possible tax incentives pending as well) and training for workplaces on how to better support people who are struggling with addiction, either for themselves or a loved one.

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  • The Truckers Who Are Taking on Human Trafficking

    Truck stops are a hotspot for human trafficking. In Arkansas, where trucking is one of the state’s largest industries, truck drivers are being trained to spot human trafficking. If they see anything suspicious, they can report to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 911, or local law enforcement.

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  • A Mission to Stop Genital Cutting

    Many people who practice Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) consider it a private, cultural issue. The procedure, which is performed on girls, requires “cutting off the clitoris and parts of the labia and sealing the vagina partially shut.” Talking about it can be perceived as rude, or disrespectful. However, that’s exactly what community leaders, health workers, and NGO’s do, in order to eradicate the practice. “My advice is to be patient and analyze each situation and not to impose your thoughts on people. If you impose, people can be defensive.”

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  • This gender-sensitive data tool could revolutionise the fight against poverty

    Currently poverty is assessed on a household basis, however individuals within the same house can experience poverty differently. The Individual Deprivation Measure will be the first gender-sensitive tool that will be able to help better inform policy and understandings of poverty.

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