Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Taking Advantage Of Behavioral Economics Can Get Aid To More People In Poverty

    To successfully address some of our most pressing social, economic, and health issues, simply making resources available is not always enough. Behavioral science is helping non-profits and other organizations to leverage natural human traits and tendencies to increase successful adoption of life-improving initiatives in fields from healthcare to development finance.

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  • Inside the Organization Helping Immigrant Communities Survive Hurricane Harvey

    Ethnically-specific disaster relief services are especially prudent in the city of Houston where more than one in five residents report speaking English less than "very well." An organization called Boat People SOS (formed in the 1980s to aid Vietnam War refugees coming by boat) is providing critical support to the Vietnamese population in the city, directing them to shelters, hospitals, food, and even FEMA funds later on. This article talks about the role the nonprofit played in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

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  • A system of support: How Ontario sets its teachers up to succeed

    Part 3 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system, celebrated for both high performance and relatively smaller achievement gaps between wealthy and poor students. One of the key factors to their success is rigorous preparation of and support for their teachers. Pennsylvania, meanwhile, struggles to find and retain educators.

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  • The rise and fall of Berlin's plan to integrate schools

    Part 2 of 3 in Series "The Social Wall: Universal Lessons in Berlin's Attempt to Integrate Schools" - A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. This "social wall" lies exactly along the lines of the once physical Berlin wall and now divide the haves and have-nots.

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  • The Social Wall: How one Berlin school integrated by segregating

    A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. However, one elementary school seems to have succeeded in desegregating students by offering a choice of academic tracks.

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  • Even with progressive education funding, 'fairness' eludes Berlin schools

    Part 1 of 3 - A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources that would make them the envy of many of their counterparts in Pennsylvania. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. This "social wall" lies exactly along the lines of the once physical Berlin wall.

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  • Germany bets on second time lucky with migrant workers

    Germany is learning from its past, and implementing measures that will safeguard successful integration of refugees into the workforce. In the 1960s thousands of Turkish people were recruited to fill labor shortages, but were not given support to help them integrate. They still struggle to enter the workforce. Now, the country devised a program aimed at language learning and job skills development for incoming asylum seekers. “The lesson that Germany learnt is that integration is something you work on.”

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  • When Families Lead Themselves Out of Poverty

    The traditional approach to poverty emphasizes government and social assistance from well-meaning social workers. Mauricio Lim Miller, a social services expert, spent years researching how families escape poverty before founding the Family Independence Initiative, an organization that provides no services or direct assistance and still sees results for the families involved.

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  • New York City Guarantees a Lawyer to Every Resident Facing Eviction

    New York City passed the first law in the nation guaranteeing legal representation to any low-income resident facing eviction. Pilot programs in California show that the right to counsel levels the playing field between tenants and landlords in the courtroom and can reduce the number of cases that result in homelessness, a huge cost savings for both tenants and governments.

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  • Meet the Men Who Invest in Women Entrepreneurs

    Women tend to invest in female-owned and run companies, but men disproportionately invest in male-run companies, which means female companies lose out on a huge market. Some male investors, such as Adam Quinton, see the female-run businesses as a better investment because of the lack of competition and that these firms tend to outperform the male-owned companies, this finding is shifting where people invest.

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