Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • An unlikely big player in digital media: unions

    As a relatively new field, digital media companies were without the “building blocks” that formed the infrastructure of traditional media companies. Unionizing efforts at digital media companies are an effort to put this infrastructure in place and they touch upon issues of pay and editorial independence.

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  • AI Is a Game-Changer in the Fight Against Hunger and Poverty. Here's Why

    Beyond its common application as a predictor of consumer purchasing behavior, AI can be utilized to tackle poverty issues, improve agricultural efficiency, and increase access to information for otherwise disconnected populations. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are putting global satellite photographs into a complex algorithm to gauge economic activity.

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  • Increasing Voter Turnout for 2018 and Beyond

    Voter turnout in the United States is far below that in most democracies. States and cities are trying a variety of ways to increase turnout, with mixed success. Eight states and Washington, D.C., are moving to automatic voter registration, for example, which is commonplace in nearly every other advanced democracy, and 32 states are debating instituting or expanding it. But not all registered voters are actually casting ballots.

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  • How Feminism is Helping to End Child Marriage in India

    Since the Prern Girls School in India opened its doors in 2003 there has been a drastic decrease in child marriages. In 2016, amongst the students there was only two cases of child marriages, compared to 30 in 2004. The school does this by teaching critical feminist pedagogy to poor, rural girls. In addition, over 450 schools have adopted the feminist curriculum and “29 schools run by the social welfare department of the state government have also begun to use Prerna’s methodology with almost 10,000 girls.” "It is a revolutionary education that has raised the girls’ awareness."

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  • Clean Energy Training & Solar Comes To Nepal UNESCO Heritage Site

    Grassroots organizations, Empowered by Light and Empower Generation, are killing two birds with one stone: bringing clean energy to rural Nepal, and creating jobs for Nepalese women in the environmental sector. By helping to install electricity-generating solar panels, which simultaneously prevents illegal animal poaching, women are provided not only with a stable income and a ladder to reliable economic growth, but also with a rich work-life balance, allowing them to become “clean energy entrepreneurs” while continuing to care for their families and tend to their village’s needs.

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  • Gender equality key to development

    The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is working to implement maternal and newborn child health programs in East Africa. Though the project has incorporated a wide-range of initiatives, many of them have relied on a single underlying principle that has proven to be effective: the empowerment of local women.

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  • Blackfeet Researcher Leads Her Tribe Back to Traditional Foods

    Generations of oppression and poverty have led to severe food insecurity for many Native Americans, resulting in some of the country's highest obesity and diabetes rates. But a few dedicated individuals on the Blackfeet reservation are striving to reclaim their food system, and their first step is collecting and disseminating traditional knowledge about nutritious, locally-sourced food for their people and ensuring it is accessible.

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  • Ecuador's Push to Let Women Stand During Childbirth

    A program in Ecuador invites indigenous parteras, or midwives, into state hospitals in order to accommodate and better provide services for indigenous women. After the program was implemented the child birth rate dropped from “zero deaths during childbirth, compared to 10 deaths over the previous four years.” It also won an award from the Pan American Health Organization in 2012 for reducing the mortality rate through culturally sensitive care.

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  • Rwanda's Soccer Sisterhood

    In Rwanda, women are breaking gender stereotypes by playing soccer. After the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Felicite Rwemarika used her own money to fund the organization Women in Sport. Since then, it’s helped women process their trauma, and challenge traditional gender roles in the country.

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  • Directly Impacted Youth Are Leading Fights Against Racism and the Criminal Punishment System

    Across the country, young people are taking an active stand in criminal justice reform. Organizations like Assata’s Daughters and Teens Leading the Way have invested in young voices to shift make changes in things like the prison industrial complex and juvenile record expungement. In doing so, they have centered civic participation, racial justice, and activism as core educational tools to empower youth participants.

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