Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What's Up With the Unionizing Trend in Digital Journalism?

    Responding to the volatility of the current job market and the potential for a bursting bubble, digital media employees are unionizing to protect themselves in the midst of ongoing change. While these efforts have protected some staff members, the preponderance of freelancers—and their lack of formal rights and union membership—has limited the impact of unionization.

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  • When a Boy's Life Is Worth More Than His Sister's

    Due to patrilineality, sons are highly favored over daughters in many countries, with serious consequence. South Korea, the only country to have returned to normal sex ratios after having a highly abnormal ratio of boys:girls, has lessons for other countries.

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  • Reform in Costa Rica signals new strategy against lethal epidemic

    Costa Rica has instituted regulations to protect farm laborers from an increasing risk of kidney disease by mandating that employers in tropical conditions provide water, rest and shade, with higher levels of relief correlated to increasing temperatures. There has been surge in chronic kidney disease among agricultural workers along the Pacific Coast in Central America and in India and Sri Lanka and a recent study fund it's highest among workers laboring between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

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  • Under the Knife

    After pressure from activists, a slew of countries have passed laws that ban female genital mutilation, the practice of cutting of a girl’s external genitalia. However, in some places like the Iraqi Kurdistan region, the law was not enforced and was met with stiff opposition from religious leaders. “When it comes to FGM and child marriage, you’re changing perceptions so it takes a while, and these practices have been going on for generation after generation so it takes time to end them.”

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  • Elsa's Story

    Children across the U.S. experience gender confusion, causing emotional stress in themselves and their family. Gender identity counselors and gender youth clinics are being created in multiple states to help families find peace in their situation.

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  • A low-income Brooklyn high school where 100 percent of black male students graduate

    The overall graduation rate for black male students in New York City was 58 percent in 2014 - student retention rates are equally poor. But one school achieved a 100% on-time graduation rate last year, motivating their students with a student-founded, student-sustained 'fraternity'.

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  • FDA's ‘terrible policy error' blocks simple step to prevent fatal birth defects

    The life-saving vitamin folic acid is added to flour in the United States, but Hispanics tend to eat little flour. Adding folic acid to corn flour would reduce birth defects in Hispanic women in the U.S.

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  • Colorado's Effort Against Teenage Pregnancies Is a Startling Success

    Colorado causes a large decline in teen pregnancy and abortions by implementing free, long-term birth control to prevent pregnancy. While demonstrating massive success, its continuity is in the air considering the ongoing fight over health insurance at the federal level.

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  • 7 solutions that could help stop rape on the night shift

    The night shift janitor is an easy target. Working in isolation, cleaners across the country say they have been harassed, assaulted and raped by supervisors and co-workers while tidying office buildings, shopping malls and universities, as our investigation exposed.

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  • Poverty solutions that actually work

    Researchers from Yale and MIT conducted a poverty study across various countries and found that aid can relieve poverty if it is comprehensive and gives people a productive asset.

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