Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Amazon tribe creates 500-page traditional medicine encyclopedia

    The Matsés, an indigenous population in Brazil in Peru, teamed up with Acaté, a conservation group, to create a medicinal knowledge encyclopedia. The encyclopedia was compiled by five shamans, took two years, is 500 pages long, and “details every plant used by Matsés to cure a massive variety of ailments.” It not only preserves ancestral knowledge, but is seen as a way to improve the health of Matsés and future generations. “Until their encyclopedia, the Matsés entire traditional health system was on the unchecked verge of disappearance.”

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  • New data reveals which approach to helping the poor actually works

    For years, policymakers have debated different approaches to helping the poor , but new data offers resounding evidence for a strategy that works: an approach known as a “Graduation” program. This method offers participants a “productive asset” to generate income with training on how to use it, as well as the resources (such as healthcare, food, loans, and coaching) to maintain the asset while building a pathway out of poverty.

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  • In the Male-Dominated Oil Industry, Efforts to Build Stronger Networks Among Women

    Women are often undervalued, overlooked and discriminated against in the oil industry. To overcome this, women have started to form organizations to support women in their careers and to try to close the gender gap.

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  • Teaching women to fight today could stop rapes tomorrow

    “Empowerment self-defense” teaches women how to defend themselves against sexual assault, psychological awareness, and how to be verbally assertive. A study showed that women who took empowerment self defense classes saw a “46% reduction in completed rape and a 63% reduction in attempted sexual assault.”

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  • Upward Mobility for the World's Destitute

    Though poverty rates are dropping worldwide, the 'ultrapoor' tend to stay where they are. BRAC works to break the poverty cycle by donating money-making assets mixed with cash and food grants.

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  • Efforts Underway to Make Bangladesh Garment Factories Safer

    Two years after the fall of the Rana Plaza killed more than 1,000 garment workers, “More than 200 clothing brands have pledged to make their source factories safer under two international agreements called the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety and the non-binding Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety.” The accident also led to the government employing more safety inspectors, and an increase in unions.

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  • Sex Ed That Turns Boys into Men

    A nonprofit based in Calgary, Canada, created a sex ed class for boys that includes critical discussion of human rights, sexual health, gender, and healthy relationships, as well as a safe space for boys to share their thoughts.

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  • Anchored in hope: How Toronto is learning from Cleveland's return to prosperity

    After decades of economic and social despair that once saw it named the poorest big city in America, Cleveland has become a model of revitalization, thanks to a unique “anchor strategy” that harnesses the immense wealth and power of the city’s public institutions.

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  • Overcoming Poverty's Damage to Learning

    Turnaround for Children, an organization founded to address mental health issues and their repercussions in the classroom, focuses on preparing teachers and schools to structure classroom environments in a constructive way. They create opportunities for learning in rigorous ways with high expectations so that children thrive and are well cared for, helping them to thrive both academically and emotionally.

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  • Slum kids confront sexism as India grapples with abuse of women

    Organizations like the International Center for Research on Women have been working with area schools to introduce gender classes to confront traditional gender roles and sexism and combat high rates of gender-based violence. The program works with 12- to 14-year-olds in over 12,000 schools. Participants say the programming has given them more confidence to speak out and a greater understanding of discrimination and what they can do to avoid it.

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