Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hit by climate change, Assam river communities bury their pride, move into houses on stilts

    Building a house on stilts is an age old tradition created by the Mishings, a tribe in India. The practice allowed them to live close to the river, without flooding their homes. In Assam, a state in India, the Mishings are viewed as a lower caste. But, heavy rainfall and flooding is forcing some Assamese to build their own houses on stilts. Still, some Assamese resist because they don’t want to be associated with the Mishings.

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  • ‘A National Admissions Office' for Low-Income Strivers

    Attending college is not always a given option for gifted teenagers from less-than-wealthy backgrounds. National organization QuestBridge creates a way for low-income and minority high-achieving students to go to their dream colleges free of cost.

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  • Did this city bring down its murder rate by paying people not to kill?

    Since Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety began paying stipends to its “fellows” – the dozens of young men it works with at any given time who are deemed to be at high risk of gun-violence involvement – nearly all of its subjects have survived. Other evidence of its success is anecdotal or merely suggestive of an effect on the city’s violence. While the police chief warily credits it for being a positive force, others in the community are skeptical, if not outright antagonistic.

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  • Syrian teachers find solace in Turkish classrooms

    Instead of outsourcing workers the International Blue Crescent relief agency, and Jordan's al-Zaatari cams, is employing Syrian refugees as teachers, doctors, and nurses. The aim is to create a self-sustainable refugee population. Leaders say it also gives Syrian refugees a renewed sense of hope and meaning “For those who are working in the camps or in (the IBC's) projects, they feel very good because they are guiding their community."

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  • Battling Booze in Alice Springs

    The Aboriginal community in Australia is 31 times more likely than other Australians to die of alcohol-related causes. Could a "tough love" approach stressing accountability and making rehab mandatory work? Or is further restricting access to alcohol for everyone a better approach?

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  • Escaping the Cycle of Scarcity

    Poor people are less likely to make smart financial decisions; however, new research in the U.S. says this is not about intelligence but rather about a brain being overwhelmed with issues related to poverty. To combat that barrier of stress, organizations around the world are making financial decisions easier for people experiencing poverty by making borrowing easier and automating future financial planning, like 401(k) contributions.

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  • How to Design a City for Women

    Gender mainstreaming is the practice of creating “laws, rules and regulations that benefit men and women equally. The goal is to provide equal access to city resources.” Since the 90s the city of Vienna has adopted this into their urban planning, building things like apartment complexes for women, parks, and public transit that takes into consideration a women’s routine. In total, more than 60 projects to date have been built around this concept. “Once you’ve analyzed the patterns of use of public space, you start to define the needs and interests of the people using it," she explains. "Then planning can be

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  • Eco-tourism in Peru: Community engagement and preserving biodiversity

    Rainforest Expeditions, an innovative eco-tourism company in Peru, helps the local economy while also promoting conservation of the natural rainforest. By working with Infierno, the local indigenous community in a southeast part of Peru, the tourism company has empowered locals. The Inferno families are shareholders in the local lodges and have found career paths through this. Perhaps most important: as local people have a stake in tourism, they also have a stake in maintaining the rainforest. 

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  • At Cambodia Hotel, The Workers Are The Boss

    Overall, Cambodia is a relatively poor country whose residents don't own much. Norwegian hotel owners in the city of Krong Siem Reap urge their Cambodian staff to be more in charge of making their own decisions by making them co-owners of the hotel, an act that forced them to have more confidence and critical thinking skills.

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  • 'Boy or Girl?' Gender a new challenge for schools

    Conventional school policies fail to address the needs of transgender students. A school district in Tampa changed its human rights ordinance to include gender identity and expression.

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