Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Gender equality key to development

    The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is working to implement maternal and newborn child health programs in East Africa. Though the project has incorporated a wide-range of initiatives, many of them have relied on a single underlying principle that has proven to be effective: the empowerment of local women.

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  • Access to clean water improves health in rural Tanzania

    In rural villages like Ndomoni, access to water is paramount to community development, and locals are the first to recognize that other issues such as maternal health cannot be addressed until there is clean drinking water. The installation of a central borehole well is not only providing the village access to water, is has freed up the many hours a day women and girls spent fetching water from other distant sources, allowing them to stay in school, attend to the health of the family, and pursue other business.

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  • The Philanthropy World Is Embracing Impact Investing

    The resources needed to tackle some of the world's most pressing social and environmental problems - from poverty to climate change to inequality - are generally far beyond the reach of governments and traditional philanthropies. Fortunately, the private sector is taking an increasing role in social entrepreneurship through the practice of impact investing. Organizations and individuals alike are investing funds into meaningful, scalable projects that are generally proven to also provide a return; a win-win for everyone that generates sustainable change.

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  • Oklahoma City-Based International Development NGO Focuses On Women

    In many rural villages in Northern India and Nepal, long-standing cultural norms have relegated women to subordinate positions in marriage and minimal educational opportunities, stifling the social, agricultural and economic development of entire communities. But with the NGO World Neighbors' work to increase female literacy and help initiate locally-controlled savings and credit groups, these areas' female residents have become a more empowered component of local development and progressive change.

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  • Printing A Solution to the World's Biggest Problems

    A research fellow at Deakin University’s School of Engineering in Australia has developed a world-first technology 3D printer prototype capable of printing plumbing and sanitation supplies using discarded plastics - and what's more, it runs on solar power. They are partnering with NGO Plan International to implement this technology in the Solomon Islands, where locals will learn to print the parts they need, thereby solving the dual problems of plastic rubbish and a lack of access to vital mechanical parts for clean water supply. The model gives these communities tools to solve their own problems.

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  • What can the sharing economy bring to emerging markets?

    April Rinne, a sharing economy adviser in Portland, believes that new technology and the emergence of the sharing economy has massive potential to connect talent, resources, and ideas around the globe, particularly in the context of advancing international development initiatives. She works with clients around the world to "help the sharing economy realize its full potential" and challenge the assumptions surrounding poverty.

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  • The Sun Water Solution

    Professor Kevin McGuigan in Dublin has proven that simply leaving contaminated water in a plastic bottle out in the sun for several hours is effective in killing off harmful bacteria like e-coli and provide a simple solution for clean water. But his efforts to bring this simple method of solar disinfection to rural communities in Africa - where disease and death from waterborne bacteria is especially prevalent - have hit a number of sociological and cultural roadblocks.

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  • Can the Graduation Approach Help to End Extreme Poverty?

    BRAC, the largest NGO in the world and one of the leaders in microfinance as an approach to combating poverty, discovered that despite its successes, microcredit did not always reach what are called the Ultra-Poor in effective, sustainable ways. So they formed partnerships and launched a new, comprehensive initiative that involves consumption support, technical and financial literacy training, and asset management to create a pathway to prosperity called the "graduation approach."

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  • Cloud Catchers In Peru

    Abel Cruz "catches" clouds on his fog net farm to help provide free water for his community in a slum on the outskirts of Lima, where access to water is very limited and costly. While this solution may never compete with large scale and traditional technologies, many argue there is enormous potential for this simple concept in certain, rural areas of the world.

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  • To fight poverty in Africa, a new-old solution: cash handouts

    The approach of giving cash straight to poor people - rather than funneling goods or services indirectly through the slow, diluted, and complex systems of charities or governments - is nothing new, but evidence of long-term success and sustainability are few. That's why many NGOs and governments are now coupling cash transfers with more comprehensive programs such as job training and financial counseling, as well as addressing some of the root causes that keep people poor, like lack of infrastructure and market access.

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