Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a new source of water is helping reduce conflict in the Middle East

    Israel experienced extreme drought a few years ago and its water supply was very low. National campaigns to install desalination plants have helped Israel turnaround its inadequate water supply into a surplus. The water scientists who have helped make this surplus see an opportunity for water diplomacy and the de-politicization of water in the Middle East so that more of it can be shared with other geographies.

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  • How 3D printing can save lives

    Due to the inaccessibility of inactive munitions to provide hands-on de-activation experience to security experts, training individuals is difficult. Inactive munitions cannot be shipped to other countries, thus other methods have been explored. A military disposal technician, Allen Tan, created a 3D printing technology that can now create replicas of multiple bomb models. Plans can now be transmitted online and printed in 3D anywhere in the world for study.

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  • The animals that sniff out TB, cancer and landmines

    Africa has the highest TB death rate per head of population and though antibiotics can cure Tb many patients are never diagnosed because the diagnostic tests have a 40% error rate. A group of scientists in Tanzania have trained rats to diagnose TB with a 30% error rate, inspired by rats trained to search for land mines and dogs trained to smell cancer.

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  • Meet the Giant Rats That Are Sniffing out Landmines

    APOPO, an international nonprofit, has trained Gambian pouched rats to sniff out landmines in countries across the world. These rats have terrible vision, but an amazing sense of smell and have cleared over 13,000 mines since 1997. Training the rats takes about nine months, and includes socializing, teaching them how to walk on a rope in the field, and of course, how to sniff out miniscule amounts of TNT.

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  • Germany is the first European country to free Syrian refugees from a draconian bureaucratic “trap”

    Since 2003, the Dublin Protocol has stopped migrants from traveling through Europe to auspicious countries before claiming asylum. However, many migrants travel by sea—which is more perilous and has led to high rates of death. Germany is the first country European country to break from the Dublin Protocol by letting in Syrian refugees.

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  • In Cambodia, Rats Are Being Trained To Sniff Out Land Mines And Save Lives

    In Cambodia, demining rats have been trained to detect TNT in the ground, effectively identifying unexploded materials like landmines, bombs, and grenades. These two-feet-long Gambian pouched rats have an excellent sense of smell and are trained by Apopo – an international nonprofit – using bananas as a reward for finding TNT. While they are highly effective, they are just one way the region, hit hard by conflict, is attempting to demine its land.

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  • “We Have to Construct a Taboo Around Killing”: Antanas Mockus On Colombia's Peace Process

    Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogotá, uses art to cultivate what he calls a "citizenship culture." During Colombia's peace negotiations, Mockus emphasized the importance of valuing life after so many years of killing and death with the slogan "Life is Sacred."

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