Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Muslim women are speaking out against abuse with #MosqueMeToo

    Egyptian journalist and author Mona Eltahawy created the hashtag #MosqueMeToo to share her experience about getting sexually assaulted during Hajj, a five day pilgrimage to Mecca that takes place every year. Eltahawy wanted to follow the footsteps of Tarana Burke, and create an intersectional platform where all types of women can speak out against their abusers. “We are putting men on notice that we are done.”

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  • Learning to defuse Islamophobia

    Most bus stops have an array of ads, but in Boston one sign reads “What to do if you are witnessing Islamophobic harassment.” The message is part of a part of a public awareness campaign rolled out by the city, which illustrates “how bystanders could help a victim of anti-Muslim behavior.”

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  • Muslim and Latino communities in Southern California mix during Ramadan — thanks to taco trucks

    Under an administration that frequently spouts racist rhetoric and enforced divisive legislation such as the Muslim ban and the border wall, minority communities - particularly Islamic and Latino communities - are having to work harder than ever to combat the dichotomy of their neighborhoods. In Santa Ana, the Islamic Center has created a clever way to unite the varied demographics of the community: taco trucks - once the punch line of a derogatory quip from a Trump supporter - open during Ramadan to help foster cultural exchange and neighborly relations.

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  • Jerusalem Jews and Arabs bond over backgammon

    The Middle East has long been the site of conflict, but 'Jerusalem Double' is trying to ease tensions by having people from all backgrounds come together to play in backgammon tournaments. These tournaments have been very successful in sparking empathy, mentorship, discussion and bringing groups together.

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  • Reconciliation: A Tale of Two Seas

    Sectarian conflict in Bahrain has torn friends and families apart, splitting the country into Sunni versus Shi’a. To soften the divisions, Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation and Civil Discourse has hosted at least one event every month since its founding in 2012, inviting people from all ideologies to participate. These events include dialogue dinners, seminars, and even exchange trips to Northern Ireland and South Africa to learn about reconciliation experiences in those countries.

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  • London feels strain of its aggressive fight against extremism

    Non-profits like Active Change Foundation in London leverage community outreach and personal relationships to intervene on extremist behavior and prevent radical recruitment. But when attempting to partner with the government for resources and funding, they face challenges of credibility, discrimination, and mismanagement. As anti-radicalization efforts are stepped up in the USA, Twin Cities looks to learn from the mistakes and successes of this tricky parity.

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  • How A Danish Town Helped Young Muslims Turn Away From ISIS

    Muslim youths in Denmark were leaving to join ISIS in Syria, feeling they were being persecuted in Europe. Then the police in Aarhus responded in a completely unexpected way: They apologized.

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  • What Maryland's test lab can teach Minnesota about thwarting radical recruiters

    Following terror attacks around the world, a community nonprofit is working to counter violent extremism by bringing diverse communities together with law enforcement to address underlying causes of radicalization and training neighborhoods to create watch systems.

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  • Inside the FBI's Secret Muslim Network

    “Stepping Up” is an “outreach-and-informant” program in that gives Muslim residents in Dearborn a place to call if they suspect someone begins to show signs of alienation or an interest in extremism. This approach is part of a cooperative network through which the Department Homeland Security obtains information to keep the country safe and empowers Muslim communities in the process. The FBI is also piloting a program that helps Muslims on the edge, providing them with social services for mental health and education to locate the roots of the alienation and anxiety that they feel in the United States.

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  • How an unlikely alliance of Jewish settlers and Palestinian activists are trying to bring peace to Israel

    Grassroots organizations are helping Palestinians and Israelis to meet and discuss their experiences with each other, often for the first time. Ali Abu Awwad, a Palestinian, co-runs one of these groups with two Israeli settlers. He describes their center is a place where “the enemy is transformed into a neighbor,” a process he says must happen before lasting political solutions to the conflict can be reached.

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