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  • Slow down, read up: Why slow journalism and finishable news is (quickly) growing a following

    Getting subscribers involved and creating an enthusiastic, permanent reader base allows media outlets to prioritize quality over quantity. As troubles with media over-saturation and news fatigue grow, publications like Tortoise and Zetland are slowing down, focusing on good journalism instead of speedy clicks. Both offer a variety of news products, including access to live video conferences and manageable, daily feeds of articles that subscribers can finish without getting caught in an endless scroll.

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  • Harnessing the power of on-the-spot media to achieve change

    On-the-spot reporting amplifies local narratives of response and adaptation to climate issues, illustrating solutions. International initiatives like the Earth Journalism Network and the Climate Justice Resilience Fund are working to empower journalists in places ranging from Greenland to South Asia to amplify local voices. On the border of Tibet and Nepal, reporting on issues of climate and environmental justice has spurred Nepalese officials to address a faulty early warning system for floods.

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  • With vast records of police misconduct now public, California news outlets are collaborating instead of competing

    More than 30 California news organizations collaborated to gain access to, and publish news stories about, previously secret police disciplinary cases. Filing more than 1,100 records requests with more than 600 law enforcement agencies, members of the California Reporting Project leveraged each others' resources rather than competing to tackle the massive reporting project made possible by a new state transparency law. The collaboration is an example of local and regional partnerships that have helped a struggling news industry still cover local and state government news.

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  • Police accountability: Statewide media coalition pushing hard to acquire police records

    A new California law requiring that police departments make public their records of police officers' misconduct revealed numerous cases that had not been known before. Police unions and state and local governments sought protection in the courts from having to disclose the records, but when they lost those challenges the records began coming out. The California Reporting Project formed as a coalition of news organizations statewide that have teamed up to make full use of the new transparency law. The project filed hundreds of records requests seeking more disclosures.

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  • The Spread of Fake News Has Had Deadly Consequences in Mexico. Meet the People Trying to Stop It.

    Independent journalists and upstart news organizations in Mexico have banded together to counter potentially deadly or disruptive fake news with a highly organized fact-checking campaign calling itself Verificado. Besides debunking hundreds of false political rumors in the 2018 elections, the coalition has fact-checked the sort of fake news that has prompted mobs to carry out hundreds of lynchings. One WhatsApp fact-verifying account enabling anyone to submit requests for debunking stories has been used extensively by mostly young readers.

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  • Can old-fashioned journalism combat fake news?

    Human-based fact checking offers a more dynamic and thorough way to determine the credibility of news outlets than the use of machine learning software. Although humans are still prone to implicit biases, NewsGuard’s model of employing a team of human fact-checkers to rate news websites pushes back against the tendency of algorithms to disseminate false or misleading content. A user-installed plug-in offers details about the credibility and transparency of over 2,000 websites.

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  • NewsGuard's 'real news' seal of approval helps spark change in fake news era

    Credibility ratings of news websites by the startup NewsGuard have prompted more than 500 news organizations to upgrade their standards or improve their transparency. Human reviewers, instead of automated systems, grade news sites on nine journalistic criteria, such as whether the sites repeatedly publish fake news and whether they correct errors. Ratings, built into web browsers, warn users when sites have bad reputations for truthfulness and responsibility. Many publishers have sought better ratings by changing their practices.

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  • The Magazines Publishing One Another's Work

    Publishing various perspectives fosters civic discourse. In Poland, Projekt Spiecie addresses the challenge of ideological isolation by creating a network of magazines across the political spectrum that all agree to publish each other’s work. By providing their readers with competing points of view on topics of national debate, these publishers aim to reduce the opacity of individual media bubbles and to lessen polarization.

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  • How Chicago's ‘J-school of the Streets' Is Reinventing Local News

    Strengthening the link between local journalism and civic engagement lends a voice to communities long underrepresented. Chicago’s City Bureau brings the newsroom out to neighborhoods and communities. In an effort to augment a lack of diversity in US newsrooms and a lack of understanding surrounding local issues, City Bureau empowers locals to act as “documenters” collecting, analyzing, and reporting on public meetings and issues that matter to their communities. By making journalism accessible to locals, City Bureau aims to build trust and redefine the journalistic process.

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  • Guardian to be first national newspaper with biodegradable wrapping

    National newspapers and mailers could do a lot to reduce plastic waste. Take a look at the UK's Guardian. In response to reader comments, the newspaper has stopped wrapping its deliveries in plastic, switching instead to a biodegradable material made from potato starch.

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