Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To Combat Gentrification, One City Is Changing How Homes Are Bought and Sold

    The city of Buffalo is beginning to gentrify, and long-time residents are trying to stop it and keep housing affordable. Under leadership of locals and with support from city officials, the new Fruit Belt Community Land Trust aims to develop a strategic plan and find ways to keep housing in the hands of community members for the next 99 years. Though there is some opposition from people who want to maintain the value of their homes, the land trust leaders are hoping to demonstrate the value that collective action can add to their neighborhood.

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  • The Push to Turn Church Land Into Farmland

    Churches across the U.S. own a staggering amount of land that often goes unused and untended. FaithLands is an intersectional group of church leaders who are seeking to encourage churches to parcel off some of this land to local farmers who will implement sustainable agricultural practices on the unused land. This solution stimulates the local economies, feeds local people, allows small scale farmers to earn a living, and benefits the churches by turning unused land into profitable land.

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  • Indonesia combines Islam with environmental activism

    In order to raise awareness about the impact of plastic waste in the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Greenpeace and the Indonesian Ministry of Forest and Environment have teamed with the country’s largest Muslim organizations.

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  • How Saguaro National Park Hopes To Catch Prickly Cacti Thieves

    The National Park Service has resorted to microchipping hundreds of saguaro. Despite extensive legal protections, the iconic cacti are going missing. Rangers can only read the microchip by scanning a suspect cactus, but they hope this move will serve as an additional deterrent to would-be thieves hoping to cash in on the demand for saguaro among building owners.

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  • Malawi Plants 60 Million Trees This Year Alone

    Malawi ranks fourth in the world for deforestation rates, but the country is on a pathway to making a dent in recovery thanks to community and government efforts. In just one rainy season alone, running from December to April, the country has managed to plant 60 million tree seedlings and is showing no signs of slowing down. Designated as forestry season by the government, this initiative has helped spur a national planting movement from various entities including a hydroelectric power plant and singular individuals.

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  • In India, this group helps turn wasteland into greener pastures

    An organization funded by the government called Foundation for Ecological Security is leading the charge to reforest wastelands in India to alleviate some of the struggles that rural areas undergo. This creates holding ponds, replenishes soil, and even prompts the community to work together to equitably distribute any leftover water amongst the farmers. It also helps stem the tide of urbanization and addresses the concern that the country may soon run out of food. The group has worked in 13,000 villages across India, reaching about 8 million people, and they still have millions of acres of land to reforest.

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  • Can Dirt Save the Earth? Audio icon

    One tactic for combatting climate change has to do with soil health. Soil can withdraw and store carbon from the atmosphere—at a higher rate when covered by manure—and also supports long-term soil sustainability and saves farmers money. Because agriculture already consumes much of the world's surface, proponents of carbon farming envision a world where large swathes of land act as a carbon sink. Potential drawbacks and things left to explore include how to produce compost without creating more energy than it saves and how to use cows effectively when they also contribute much of the carbon in the atmosphere.

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  • Organizations Tackle Invasive Tree Species in Animas Basin near Durango

    As the name implies, Russian olive trees are not native to the United States, but have taken over many regions due to their ability to outgrow and outcompete native plant species. Organizations are working together in Durango, Colorado to fight back against this invasive plant species, however.

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  • The Turtle Liberation in El Salvador

    In a setting constantly threatened by natural disaster, El Salvador communities are showing that small grassroots movements can have a big impact on the health of the environment. On this particular occasion, as part of the nonprofit known as the Mangrove Association, sea turtles are directly benefiting from a reforestation and protection effort executed by the local communities.

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  • Reclaiming Appalachia: A Push to Bring Back Native Forests to Coal Country

    Tearing down trees to save a forest? While that may not sound like a solution, it could in fact be the key to restoring the former forest that inhabited the Appalachian region in the Eastern United States. “Ripping so deep might seem extreme, but it’s the only way to give these native trees a chance,” says Chris Barton, co-founder of non-profit Green Forests Works and a professor specializing in forest hydrology and watershed management, by means of explaining the ongoing effort he and other researchers, scientists and non-profits are making to reclaim native forests in this region.

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