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  • IMPD used to fatally shoot more people than NYC or Chicago. Here's what changed.

    Under new leadership, Indianapolis has seen a drastic decline in fatal police shootings. While the new police chief, Bryan Roach, shares credit with his entire force, many credit his new policies for the decline. Initiatives like addressing behavioral health, implicit bias training, and mental health crisis training are just some of the changes being made. While much progress has been made, there is still a ways to go when it comes to rebuilding trust within the community.

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  • How Women Are Faring in the World's Largest Refugee Camp

    In the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Bangladesh, Rohingya women are overcoming the societal restraints that bound them at home in Myanmar and becoming leaders and change-makers in their community. Despite resistance from the men, hundreds of women in the camp banded together to form a group called Shanti Mohila. This allowed them to push for more peace and justice and issues like domestic violence, and they even received support from Legal Action Worldwide to prosecute crimes against the Rohingya people.

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  • This Man Says His Anti-violence Plan Would Save 12,000 Lives

    With support for a New York-based grant program, Buffalo has been trying various evidence-based approaches to decrease violence, especially gun violence, in the city. The grant program, Gun Involved Violence Elimination, or GIVE, provides funding for police departments to adopt strategies like hot-spot policing, deterring those most at-risk, or street outreach to break the cycle of violence. While such strategies are linked to success, the process of implementing them, gaining support and trust from the community, and waiting for long-term change has proven challenging.

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  • The gun solution we're not talking about

    While most Americans and politicians from across the partisan aisle support universal background checks for firearm purchases, that system has shown to not be as effective as many think. Instead, states are implementing licensing systems that require individuals wanting to buy a gun to take safety courses, apply with local law enforcement, provide references, and have their background checked. States that have such systems in place have seen a steady decline in gun homicides and suicides.

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  • KCPD uses new strategy for predicting, fighting crime

    Using a method of targeting trouble-prone locations called "risk terrain modeling," Kansas City police saw double-digit declines in crime in the targeted areas. The method uses crime data to show where crime flourishes. Then police, working with community members, determine what about that location could change to reduce risk, such as improving street lighting or moving a bus stop that acts as a magnet for trouble. The program suggests that focusing on places, not just people, can prevent crime rather than just reacting after the fact with arrests, although the results are only preliminary.

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  • San Diego Is Showing California How to Use Its Red Flag Law

    In San Diego, California, more than three Gun Violence Restraining Orders, or “red flag laws,” have been used to prevent gun violence. These laws have gained in popularity across the country, and allow courts to temporarily take away firearms from individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others. With such success in San Diego, their attorney’s office is now training law enforcement and government agencies across the state on how to use such orders.

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  • ‘Our youngest we lost was nine.' Austin ISD police home in on mental health

    The Austin school district credits its crisis intervention police officers, trained in deescalation in mental health emergencies, with contributing to a level of care that defused a student-suicide crisis. Six students ended their lives in the 2017-18 school year, while none did the following year. Teaming up with counselors, the police deal both with parents and students in seeking better mental health care for them rather than turning crises into arrests and punishment. On the dozens of campuses where such care has been emphasized, even test scores are up.

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  • The Biggest Police Department In The US Has A Suicide Crisis. Another Department Thinks They Have An Answer.

    California’s Los Angeles Police Department has built mental health into its force. The department has 16 psychologists on staff, offering free counseling and debrief sessions after traumatic incidents. As the New York Police Department faces an increase in officer suicides, it looks to the LAPD as it rolls out its new suicide prevention initiatives, like a mental health app, mental health insurance, and access to counseling.

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  • The complicated legacy of ‘broken windows' policing

    "Broken windows policing" evolved into destructive, heavy-handed tactics because its original notions of solving minor problems before they contribute to an atmosphere conducive to serious crimes became misused and distorted. Instead of a focus on high numbers of arrests and "zero tolerance" for any and all perceived misbehavior, this theory of policing was meant to be paired with community-building and problem-solving strategies. When that connection wasn't made, it became synonymous with the kinds of racially disparate enforcement alienating neighborhoods from police.

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  • As law enforcement nationwide faces scrutiny, cameras protect both public and officers

    Across the United States, 95 percent of law enforcement agencies have started using body cameras. In North Carolina, the majority of departments have started using such technology in the hopes of increasing transparency, trust, and accountability. While the use of body cams is wanted by both police and the community, finding the funding to purchase and maintain them has been a challenge for some departments.

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