Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Inside Black Guns Matter, Philly's Second Amendment answer to police brutality

    In Philadelphia, Black Guns Matter encourages Black Americans to practice the second amendment right to own a gun, while at the simultaneously discouraging altercations with the police. This group provides resources to inform Black Americans how to protect themselves from the police or other individuals should they need to. They also mitigate tragic outcomes by preparing Black Americans for confrontations with cops.

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  • Beyond Detention: Exploring Smarter, Cheaper Alternatives to Locking Kids Up

    Alternative programming that involves "restorative justice" models - such as having youth within the criminal justice system create art as a means of self expression instead of detaining them in a prison-like facility - are much more effective at preventing antisocial and criminal behavior in youth than involvement in the juvenile-justice system.

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  • The Wonk's Guide to What Works, and What Doesn't, When Policing Violent Crime

    While policing initiatives have previously been driven by intuitive responses to trends in violent crime, the Centre for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University has developed a new strategy for identifying the effectiveness of policing practices. With a focus on empirical evidence-based approaches to crime prevention, the Centre has identified large-scale initiatives that work.

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  • How the Most Dangerous Place on Earth Got Safer

    The gang-driven violence in Honduras has caused thousands to migrate to the United States. In the last three years, with emergency international aid from the United States, Honduras has experienced a 62 percent drop in homicides and has witnessed a decrease in the number of migrants entering the United States. The aid has gone toward community improvement projects and outreach centers, such as providing items for soccer games and other activities that dissuade gangsters from fighting each other. It also has supported more effective prosecution of homicides.

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  • Tapping a Troubled Neighborhood's Inner Strength

    HIghlands area in Southern Washington has been an impoverished and unsafe neighbourhood, however, circumstances have been improve as neighbours have begun to get to know eachother and form a community. HIghlands neighbourhood association and the Family Policy council are two initiatives that have strengthened community ties, lead to leadership opportunities, facilitated citizen-police interactions, and helped children not fall into a poverty cycle.

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  • A community curbs pain pill abuse, but heroin addiction grows

    The over-prescription of pain medicine has been a problem in southwest Colorado. Collective efforts of health care providers to standardize opioid prescriptions, clinics to expand recovery programs, and law enforcement to encourage addicts to enter rehab rather than prison, have reduced over-prescriptions of pain medications. However, they also could be unintentionally causing a rise in heroin use.

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  • How a police chief used compassion to combat his community's drug problem

    Rather than put addicts in jail, a police station in Gloucester, Massachusetts helps get those in need into treatment centers. Now, communities all over the country, including the town of Española, New Mexico, treat addiction with empathy and urgency rather than jail time. The change in treatment has reduced drug-related crime as well as deaths from overdose.

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  • Barriers to Reforming Police Practices

    With the police killings of Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald, and other black lives across the country, the problem remains how to reform police departments and reduce excessive force on unarmed men and women. Procedural justice is a strategy that centers on legitimizing the law for at-risk communities by building trust, so that the environment of policing changes to one of respect and less crime results. Procedural justice has begun to be implemented across U.S. police departments with some measurable successes, although police accountability remains important and should be an extension of the strategy.

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  • A Strategy to Build Police-Citizen Trust

    The increase of violence between the police and Black communities across the country requires a reconstruction of the relationship that addresses empathy, trust, and crime reduction. The Department of Justice has developed test programs in different cities that train police officers in procedural justice. The early results of this program in Stockton, CA show that communities and police have built trust and law legitimacy, while the crime rate has not increased.

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  • Roanoke initiative shifts from arresting addicts to helping them

    In one year, the drug overdoses in Roanoke, VA have taken 12 lives and another 76 have overdosed but survived. The police department developed a new program called the Roanoke Valley Hope Initiative, designed to provide rehabilitation without arrest for those who seek it. The program simulates the successful national effort to help drug abusers instead of incarcerating them.

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