Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What Cleveland can gain from New Haven's fight against gangs: Pathways to Peace

    In New Haven community leaders and law enforcement joined hands to diminish gang violence. They created Project Longevity, and the research shows the program is successful. Gang shootings in the city have fallen from eight a month, to three.

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  • Project Longevity's lessons on gangs offer insights for Cleveland: Pathways to Peace

    New Haven's Project Longevity has measurably reduced gang violence through an approach brings law enforcement, social service groups, and community leaders together to offer teenagers and young men incentives to stop the violence, and a way out for those who need help. It's a model that may provide a solution for other cities facing gang violence.

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  • 'Pathways to Peace' explores solutions to youth violence

    Cleveland is responding to its gun violence epidemic with a combination of effective policing, social service agencies, and former offenders deployed to break cycles of violence in their communities.

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  • How a Police Detective Helps Inmates Prepare to Live on the Outside

    In the United States, the incarcerated feel like they have no voices and their mistakes that led them to jail go unacknowledged. A documentary film spotlights the IF Project, a writing program that encourages female inmates and recently released felons to write down what they would have done to change the path they went on. With police and teachers as mentors, the convicted have support transitioning into society and can reflect on what they can do to change their lives for the better.

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  • How Science Could Help Prevent Police Shootings

    A new tool that studies human behavioral data is being piloted in an effort to prevent police abuse and violence. Using data kept by individual police departments, this new program studies officers’ history of past problems, amount of on-the-job stress and trauma, and shift times as possible predictors of violence and abuse. While the research is still in early stages, it has already led to changes in some police departments, like re-thinking how to better equip officers to deal with emotional incidents like domestic violence.

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  • What role did trauma-informed care play in alleged juvenile prison abuse?

    To reduce violence and aggreesion trauma-informed care become the new standard in Wisconsin for juvenile corrections. However, at the two highlighted facillities there has been greater violence and an investigation of abuse, but supporters still contend that when trauma-informed care is implemented correctly it is successful.

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  • JPD Targets ‘Bandos': A Different Kind of ‘Broken Windows' Policing

    Jackson PD's Community Improvement division has been charged with destroying dangerous, dilapidated houses in low income neighborhoods, even though many are state-owned. In a resources-strapped city, where blight contributes to a vicious cycle of crime and poverty, the police take down the abandoned houses—an unusual role, but one that actually tackles the root causes of crime in an arguably more effective way than low-level fishing for arrests.

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  • Nothing But The Truth

    Historically, police interrogations of suspects have been brutal and have involved torture. These strategies have also produced a high rate of false confessions. The HIG method, which encourages conversation in a comfortable environment, has shown to be successful in revealing the truth and incarcerating the convicted with confidence.

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  • Paying kids not to kill

    When faced with a violent crime epidemic, the city of Richmond in the Bay Area of California, implemented a program that incentivized youth to step away from the violence. Offering a monthly stipend, intense mentorship by reformed prisoners and travel opportunities, the program has been called a success after the rates of homicides dropped dramatically in the first year.

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  • Could Baltimore hold the key to solving Cleveland's violence problem?

    Cure Violence is a the national non-profit organization that for 16 years has helped multiple cities adopt strategies for violence prevention that mirror those used in disease control. Programs employ trained “violence interrupters” and outreach workers to identify and mediate potentially deadly conflicts, maintaining relationships with those involved to ensure the conflict does not reignite. Cleveland hopes that replicating the model will help reduce local violence and crime.

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