Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Participatory Defense

    While there are many factors that have contributed to the sky high incarceration rates in the United States which have left prisons bursting at the seams, one of the causes remains the simple fact that the resources of a private prosecutor vastly outweigh those of publicly-funded defense attorneys.

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  • When Communities Say No One Should Stay in Jail Just Because They're Poor

    Across the United States, organizations like Southerners on New ground and the Bronx Freedom Fund are posting bail for individuals facing low-level offenses who cannot afford it on their own. Such initiatives have gained in popularity because of the Black Mamas Bail-Out, a coordinated effort during May of each year. In posting their bail, these organizations are working to equitably help people of color, who are disproportionately affected by the cash bail system.

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  • Assisting the Poor to Make Bail Helps Everyone

    Organizations that supply funds to provide bail for people arrested for misdemeanors not only saves money for taxpayers, but reduces the number of guilty pleas, and could possibly save lives. Those who cannot pay for bail must either await trial in jail or plead guilty, leading to permanent criminal records. Organizations like the Bronx Freedom Fund supply $2,000 or less to help these individuals keep jobs, housing, and reduce the risk of suicide in jail without requiring them to plead guilty.

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  • When he was 13, he shot her in the face. 20 years later, she helped get him his freedom.

    A man convicted to a life sentence for a shooting he took part in at age 13 reached out to the woman he injured from prison and over the years they built a friendship based on forgiveness and trust. She helped him win an appeal for release after 26 years and has been part of his support network as he learns to navigate the world as an adult. Their story offers a great example of the power of forgiveness and building personal connections.

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  • Philly activists raising money to bail poor defendants out of jail

    For many low-income people who are arrested, coming up with even a small amount of bail money is nearly impossible, leaving them to languish for months before their cases are ever adjudicated. That means lost jobs and housing and sometimes custody of their kids. In Philadelphia, a number of groups have banded together and raised funds to bail out inmates, following examples in other cities, as a temporary measure until policymakers can enact long-term bail reform.

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  • He stole a $1 lemonade, smoked pot - then nearly had to die in prison

    Pennsylvania has a compassionate release law for inmates who are terminally ill so they don't die in prison, but in practice it has become even more difficult for inmates and their families to take advantage of it. The number of elderly prisoners in the state has soared. Advocates recommend prisoners get an automatic compassionate release when they receive a terminal diagnosis so the family is not burdened with trying to figure out the complex process and paperwork.

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  • How Conservatives Learned to Love Free Lawyers for the Poor

    Public defender systems across the country are underfunded and understaffed. Viewed by progressives as a racial and class inequality problem, the issue is gaining major traction in red states under a different framing: defense against government tyranny. “If there’s one thing the government must get right,” said conservative lawmaker Tom McMillin, “it’s whether or not we’re locking up the right people.”

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  • Can an Algorithm Save America's Justice System?

    Although the cash bail system has long been used in the US criminal justice system, many argue that it is biased based on socioeconomic levels. To reduce this bias, criminal justice researchers and data scientists have created a new risk assessment tool that uses an algorithm taking age, history of missing court and former crimes into account before making a recommendation on bail.

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  • New York City Guarantees a Lawyer to Every Resident Facing Eviction

    New York City passed the first law in the nation guaranteeing legal representation to any low-income resident facing eviction. Pilot programs in California show that the right to counsel levels the playing field between tenants and landlords in the courtroom and can reduce the number of cases that result in homelessness, a huge cost savings for both tenants and governments.

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  • India's Barefoot Lawyers

    Legal expertise is often expensive and inaccessible to communities around the world experiencing environmental rights violations and other issues. Similar to the rise of community health workers who are expanding access to basic healthcare, nonprofit Namati is training lay people to help communities understand laws and regulations, gather evidence of violations, and push for remedies.

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