Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Off the Shelf

    The first Human Library emerged in 2000 in Copenhagen, and has since exploded in popularity to the point of operating chapters in more than 70 different countries. The concept is that readers should not judge a book by its cover, so in this library, actual people are the books available to read with titles like "Polyamorous", "Soldier (PTSD)", and "Refugee". The 30-minute "reading sessions" (face-to-face conversations) allow people to learn in a judgement-free zone and put a real person behind the story they are hearing.

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  • Participation in NYC Public Libraries' Tech Trainings Soars

    New York Public Libraries are closing the digital divide by offering tech trainings, that have already been very successful as indicated by their long waitlists. Attention is now turned towards growing these programs, providing free wifi hotspots, and reaching out to demographics that are not well represented in the tech industry.

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  • How Libraries Are Becoming Modern Makerspaces

    Throughout the country, libraries are hosting “maker spaces”—places where patrons can use technological tools to develop and fabricate their ideas and use the library to not only consume but create.

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  • In Pursuit of Big Data, Mexico City Mapathon Gamifies Crowdsourcing

    By “gamifying” the process, urban planners can crowdsource data collection. In Mexico City, members of 14 organizations—ranging from government agencies to nonprofits and consultants—launched a city-wide game, Mapatón CDMX, in an effort to collect data and map the complex transportation system. To participate, users downloaded an app and mapped transit routes for points.

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  • The Troubled City of San Bernardino Works to Save Its Library

    In the aftermath of the 2015 shooting in San Bernardino, the city relies on the public library as a grounding location that welcomes all. Though the library has seen drastic cuts in funding and staff, it invests in community ties and volunteer relationships to make sure the city has a welcoming place with adequate resources and an environment that fosters acceptance and curiosity.

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  • Libraries Lend Mobile Wi-Fi Hot Spots To Those Who Need Internet Service

    In addition to lending media and information, libraries are now lending the means to access media and information by allowing patrons to borrow wi-fi hotspots.

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  • A Library of Good Ideas

    Staff members at a library branch in central Oregon take steps toward community engagement and participation by crossing the barrier from employee to neighbor. By building personal relationships with other community members, offering "maker" spaces and other public engagement opportunities, and listening to the desires of the community they are serving, the 6-branch Deschutes Libraries make a name for themselves.

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  • University's DeLaMare Library: Innovative 'maker space' gaining attention

    The University of Nevada at Reno’s DeLaMare Library houses a ‘maker space’ which houses creative tools ranging from whiteboards to laser cutters to microprocessors. It is the library’s hope that this space allows students and the general public to fabricate their ideas and form new, innovative collaborations.

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  • Reviving the Library in Greece: The Future Is Now for the Future Library Network and the INELI-Balkans Project

    The Future Library Network has revitalized Greece’s community library system through collaboration, sharing of resources, and investment in technology for patrons to use such as recording studios, maker spaces, and robotics.

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  • Not Your Mother's Library

    A public library in Columbus, Ohio stays ahead of the curve by investing in new technology as well as expanding outreach efforts to people of all backgrounds and socioeconomic class. The library offers rigorous, hands-on classes and free programs for families with young children in an effort to prepare kids for kindergarten reading and learning.

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