Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a closed-door meeting shows farmers are waking up on climate change

    As the agriculture industry faces crop and profit loss due to catastrophic weather events, many farmers and ranchers are being catalysts for conversations with politicians, scientists, and environmental groups about how to combat the effects of climate change. Throughout the United States, key stakeholders in the food supply chain have formed working groups to discuss climate change and how their industry can work together to improve soil health and sequester carbon. While there are some who are not supportive of these efforts, there is a growing consensus around the importance of having these discussions.

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  • Denmark Raises Antibiotic-Free Pigs. Why Can't the U.S.?

    In the United States, the use of antibiotics in livestock operations has become relatively standard, but a practice in Denmark is proving that antibiotics aren't necessarily crucial to the process. Although not all buy into this practice, one veterinarian has stated that “by changing the way farmers raise their animals, Denmark has shown that you can substantially reduce antimicrobial use in pig production and that it can be done without any long-term impact on productivity.”

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  • Small Farms and Community Markets Create Space for Revitalization

    Small farmers in Indiana are working together to "manage the spaces they share, and to use those resources to improve their community by growing healthy food, and distributing that food to the people around them." Although the efforts started with a retiree population, young adults are now joining in, and the coop is gaining attention from economists and universities.

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  • Southern Oregon Rancher Builds Fences And Bridges To Keep The Wolves At Bay

    For years, a rancher in Southern Oregon has been trying to keep a local pack of wolves from killing his livestock, and after many rounds of trial and error and collaborative efforts, a high-tech fence may be the solution. Although the fence isn't cheap, many came forward to help make this a possibility and show their support for a project that united people that historically have stood politically opposed.

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  • Lake Erie's green monster: Climate change adds pressure to prevent toxic algal blooms

    Toxic green algae has become a prominent threat in Lake Erie, but local farmers are trying to reduce their footprint by limiting agricultural nutrient runoff from manure and fertilizer that is spread on their farm fields. From increasing transparency around agriculture practices to altering how fertilizer is distributed, early signs are showing success with these measures despite there still being a long ways to go.

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  • New Texas nonprofit offers novel approach for preserving coastal lands, combating global warming

    To protect the natural lands of the Texas coast and battle climate change, a new nonprofit is working to create a carbon dioxide storage program in partnership with private landowners. The innovative models give landowners money in exchange for not developing or selling their land for the next decade, paid for by businesses or individuals who donate the equivalent of their "carbon footprint." Texas Coastal Exchange creates a carbon dioxide storage program with the goal of protecting the coast's natural lands and fighting climate change.

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  • Kenya: Livestock Insurance Causes Paradigm Shift in Addressing Drought

    In the Horn of Africa, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation has introduced insurance schemes for pastoralists who rely on livestock farming but are at risk for ever-increasing droughts due to climate change. This is already helping some of the 20 million livestock herders across the region.

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  • Hungry Goats Are on the Front Lines of Wildfire Prevention in Southern California

    When a Southern California rainy season fuels a boom in non-native grasses, the Los Angeles County Fire Department's Forestry Division deploys herds of goats to munch on what could turn into a wildfire hazard. The goats provide a green alternative to the use of machinery to clear brush. The four-legged crews are more agile on steep slopes and cost less than their human and mechanical substitutes. The fire department limits the use of goats to qualified vendors who must ensure that the grass eaters don't go overboard, eating even native grasses and causing new environmental problems.

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  • How a new diet for gassy cows is helping the environment

    Growing flowers and plants in fields where cows graze leads to a healthier diet, larger cows, more enriched soil, and less methane emitted into the atmosphere. About 4,000 farmers have received funding to transform their farms away from traditional grazing, moving towards a system that is healthier for the animals and the environment.

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  • Meating In The Middle: The Challenge of Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions On Farms

    From small farms to the larger, agriculture industry, changes are being made to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas being emitted into the air. With methane emissions considered one of the top worst greenhouse gasses – and agriculture a major contributor to it – the industry is looking toward new practices, like cover crops and new diets for cows. Responses are happening on many levels, but in order to make sustainable change, farmers and researchers must collaboratively work together.

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