Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Kitimat B.C. is catching its breath

    A new aluminum plant in British Columbia would have ended up putting more sulphur dioxide into the air, but the Kitimat Terrace Clean Air Coalition (KTCAC) helped bring this to light and encourage them to install air monitoring stations. They wrote letters to the government and took the company to court. As a result of their efforts, three air monitoring stations were installed to measure the particulate matter and alert residents if levels increased. “Industry and government are listening to people who are concerned in Kitimat,” says Steve Stannus, a founder of KTCAC.

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  • The Cherokee Nation to Produce Its Own PPE

    The Cherokee Nation had a hard time sourcing personal protective equipment for health workers, citizens, and others during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tribal leaders decided to use a portion of the CARES Act funding to create their own manufacturing facilities to produce PPE for both Cherokee Nation citizens and non-citizens. Though still in the testing phase, the facilities are already training 10 people and plan to employ a minimum of 25 people. They will make about 200,000 surgical masks a day and will also produce N95 and N99 masks that they will distribute to healthcare workers and other organizations.

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  • The world's first 'infinite' plastic

    There are several chemical recycling methods being tested throughout the world, including one of the latest ones in the United Kingdom. Mura Technology is building the world’s first commercial-scale plant that can recycle all kinds of plastic and turn them into oil. Their method aims to process 80,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year once the plant opens in 2022. While some criticize that the chemical recycling process is very energy intensive and is not always profitable, the new Mura plant already has partnerships lined up with some plastic manufacturers.

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  • Can Ontario boost EV battery recycling before it's too late?

    After lithium-ion batteries from iPhones, laptops, or electric cars are used up, the Ontario-based company LiCycle recycles parts of them to be reused in new batteries or in other products. While the recycling process isn’t completely environmentally friendly, the company is able to recover 95 percent of the raw materials and says their operations produces no carbon emissions, wastewater, or solid waste.

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  • The World Needs Syringes. He Jumped In to Make 5,900 Per Minute.

    A family-run syringe making company in India is leading the manufacturing of Covid vaccine-specific barrels and needles, a task that no other country has been able to manage at the same speed. Because Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices is a family business – meaning no shareholders – the production of these medical supplies is able to be done without any interferences; although, the operation is a frugal task for the business owner.

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  • It looks like the Batmobile, works on solar energy, and could be the future of cars

    Aptera Motors, a California-based startup, is poised to roll out the first mass-produced solar vehicle this year: for $25,900. The car is a three-wheel, aerodynamic electric vehicle covered in solar cells that can provide energy to drive about 40 miles. The model is not 100 percent efficient with some energy lost in its electrical current conversion and in its drive system, but the creators say it is four times more effect than an average electric vehicle. Still, when the company started taking preorders, they sold out of its first 330 vehicles in 24 hours.

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  • Floating Wind Turbines Buoy Hopes of Expanding Renewable Energy

    Hywind Scotland is the world's first commercial wind farm using floating wind turbines to generate power for about 36,000 homes a year. This approach — which is being seriously looked at by several countries seeking to reduce their carbon emissions and oil-and-gas companies wanting to expand into renewable energy — allows wind farms to work in deeper waters where there is often stronger winds.

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  • How steel might finally kick its coal habit

    Boston Metal is transforming how steel is made by replacing coal with electrons. Instead of using the fossil fuel in furnaces to melt iron ores, the Massachusetts-based company uses electric currents to heat the ore, which doesn’t create any greenhouse gas emissions. So far, the company has made only several tons of steel, but it recently received investor funding to expand its work.

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  • Electric car batteries with five-minute charging times produced

    Batteries that can be fully charged in five minutes have been created for the first time, allowing electric cars to recharge faster. The Israeli company StoreDot produced 1,000 of these new lithium-ion batteries, which can be recharged for 1,000 cycles while retaining 80 percent of the original capacity. It could be a few years before they are mass produced, but the CEO of the company says that this feat “demonstrates it is feasible and it’s commercially ready.”

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  • The U.S. Could Make New Cars a Lot Less Deadly

    American cars made since the early 1980s have carried ratings from the federal New Car Assessment Program, showing how risky they are to human life in a crash. NCAP ratings motivated a host of safety enhancements by manufacturers. Since the 1990s, similar programs in the European Union, China, Australia, Korea, and Japan have also rated vehicles' risks to pedestrians and bicyclists, and their fatalities have dropped. Not so in the U.S., where industry resistance has stalled expansion of NCAP ratings. Advocates hope the Biden Transportation Department will finally expand the program.

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