Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Volunteer DIYers meet face mask shortage with needle and thread

    Community members across the world are working to make homemade masks to help healthcare workers who are facing shortages. In some cases, one person's efforts have balooned into community-wide initiatives, as people unite to play a part in containing the coronavirus.

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  • Coronavirus Has Hospitals in Desperate Need of Equipment. These Innovators Are Racing to Help.

    As personal protective equipment becomes increasingly hard to find, university labs, engineers, and individuals are taking part in a crowdsourced effort to create alternatives. Although their 3D designs and repurposed shields don't take the place of PPE, they do act as safe back-ups for frontline workers facing a shortage.

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  • Hand Sanitizer Mini-Factories Popping Up Around Bay Area

    In the Bay Area of California, organizations are repurposing their work and personal spaces to act as DIY pop-up hand sanitizer factories during the coronavirus pandemic. From donating the product to homeless shelters to installing hand washing stations and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout cities, community members are taking an active role in trying to help contain the virus.

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  • The Virus Can Be Stopped, but Only With Harsh Steps, Experts Say

    Countries that have more recently fought against communicable and infectious disease outbreaks, such as China, are offering lessons about potential ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. Stricter and more efficient guidance around testing protocols, retrofitting hospitals to triage potential virus carriers, and training volunteers to do "ground-level but crucial medical tasks," are all practices that have shown to have helped slow the spread in countries outside of the U.S.

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  • Galion distillery creates hand sanitizer from high-proof alcohol Audio icon

    Six months ago, a distillery in Ohio had the idea to start making hand sanitizer on-site, but because of the rapid spread of the coronavirus and the FDA changing regulations, the business has now fast-tracked the idea into reality. With only their first batch ready to donate, the distillery has already received over 1,000 requests for deliveries of the sanitizer.

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  • Obyčejná rouška

    Českou republiku v začátcích pandemie koronaviru sužoval nedostatek zdravotnického materiálu. Chyběly také roušky, které pomáhají omezit přenos nákazy. Švadlena Michaela Moudrá z jihomoravských Hodějic na krizovou situaci zareagovala po svém: začala šít vlasní roušky. Když se k ní začali přidávat další Češi, založila na sociální síti Facebook veřejnou skupinu Česko šije roušky. Ta získala velmi rychle desítky tisíc členů, kteří se nápadem paní Moudré nechali inspirovat.

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  • I Can Sew Homemade Masks. Will Hospitals Use Them Against Coronavirus? 

    As medical professionals grapple with mask shortages as cases of COVID-19 overwhelm hospitals throughout the U.S., community members are trying to be part of the solution by sewing masks that healthcare workers can use as backups if necessary. Although these can't replace the professional-grade masks, seveal amateur mask-makers are experimenting with materials that increase the effectiveness of the homemade mask.

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  • Keeping the Coronavirus from Infecting Health-Care Workers

    Hong Kong and Singapore are being looked to as potential models of how to contain the coronavirus pandemic, but they also offer lessons about how to keep the frontline health care providers safe during an outbreak as well. From specific protocols about when the use of a N95 mask is necessary to a precise definition of what justifies "close contact," these two countries are showing that occupational exposure isn't necessarily a threat when dealt with properly and proactively.

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  • Distilleries Turning Raw Ingredients Into the Most Needed Supplies

    Because they have the appropriate ingredients and facilities, Deep Ellum Distillery is making hand santizer and offering it for free to anyone who needs it. They are also endorsing people to order food to-go in order to support other local restaurants during the pandemic. Distilleries across the country are doing the same thing to help out their neighbors.

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  • Cheyenne distillery to make hand sanitizer while closed

    A Cheyenne distillery named Chronicles Distilling is one of several companies across the city that are repurposing their services to suit the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are using their distillery to make hand santizier for local residents, hospitals, and nursing homes. They are also working with Jackson Hole Still Works, Snowy Elk Coffee Company, and more. This project is at its beginning stages.

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