Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Purpose-driven publisher writes new chapter of Brazilian literature

    Promoting more diverse and inclusive narratives takes a publisher interested more in social purpose than profits. Vira Letra, and independent publisher in Brazil, has employed a cost and profit-sharing business model aimed at amplifying the voices of women, LGBT, and other marginalized authors. With the vast majority of books in Brazil published by white males, who make up less than 45 percent of the population, Vira Letra focuses on adding new voices to the publishing market.

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  • This Newspaper Hired Homeless People to Report Its Stories

    Street Sense is a biweekly, volunteer-run newspaper whose vendors and content creators are part of the homeless community in Washington, DC. Vendors purchase the issues at a discount and then sell them at a profit, generating an income for themselves, and having the creative outlet of a newspaper allows vendors to tell their stories in their own way. Street Sense Media, the parent organization, also offers vendors workshops in theater, writing, graphic design, podcasting, and more. They also have case workers on staff to help connect vendors with assistance that leads to permanent housing and healthcare.

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  • Slow down, read up: Why slow journalism and finishable news is (quickly) growing a following

    Getting subscribers involved and creating an enthusiastic, permanent reader base allows media outlets to prioritize quality over quantity. As troubles with media over-saturation and news fatigue grow, publications like Tortoise and Zetland are slowing down, focusing on good journalism instead of speedy clicks. Both offer a variety of news products, including access to live video conferences and manageable, daily feeds of articles that subscribers can finish without getting caught in an endless scroll.

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  • The weird rise of cyber funerals

    People are accustomed to organizing funerals when they lose a loved one, but technology has given rise to a need for digital funerals as well. In order to expunge a person's digital footprint once, companies in South Korea are offering cyber funerals that aim to get rid of all online data after a person has passed away.

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  • The Magazines Publishing One Another's Work

    Publishing various perspectives fosters civic discourse. In Poland, Projekt Spiecie addresses the challenge of ideological isolation by creating a network of magazines across the political spectrum that all agree to publish each other’s work. By providing their readers with competing points of view on topics of national debate, these publishers aim to reduce the opacity of individual media bubbles and to lessen polarization.

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  • First developed by women to report on rural villages in India, Khabar Lahariya is now a national phenomenon

    Originally developed as a tool for women in rural India to learn how to read and write, Khabar Lahariya has grown into an important outlet of Indian journalism. Covering events in small, rural communities whose isolation has often bred corruption, Khabar Lahariya is spreading information and holding people accountable.

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  • What Pittsburgh Can Learn From Philadelphia's Bold Media Collaborations

    Through collaboration, media outlets can cover important issues with depth and diversity as well as reach a wide audience. In Philadelphia, 19 newspaper and radio outlets collaborated to cover poverty in Philadelphia and 15 outlets covered issues related to reentry.

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  • Here's how The New York Times is trying to preserve millions of old pages the way they were originally published

    Project Kondo has identified and archived over 7 million New York Times web pages that contain news content in outdated and unsupported formats. Readers can report broken links, but the number of sites to review is too big to do by hand, so the team created an automated tool called ‘munger’ to identify JavaScript with unsupported code and clean it up into HTML that can be shared widely. In order to preserve the content exactly how it was originally published, the websites are moved to a different domain,, where readers are notified that they are reading an archived article.

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  • Remixed book covers imagine a young adult book series that confronts racism

    When it comes to young adult books, there's a lack of representation. Historically, few YA books grapple with issues like race and identity. Phil Yu, decided to tackle the issue by re-appropriating covers of The BabySitters Club with alternate book titles that portray the issues the character, Claudia Kishi, might've dealt with. There are also more authors writing books which center around protagonists who are people of color.

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  • Diversity In Publishing: Still Hideously Middle-Class and White?

    Many initiatives have been implemented to increase the diversity of British literary culture efforts such as establishing new publishing imprints, pairing writers with agents and editors, and providing paid internships. In addition, small publishers and festivals—often initially crowdfunded and run by people of color—have been making an impact as well. For long-term change—rather than the success of individual writers or imprints—to happen, the composition of boards of directors for publishers, organizations, and funders needs to change along with the people empowered to purchase books for publication.

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