Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Youth Villages Helping Families In Crisis

    In Oregon, there’s about 8,000 children in the Foster Care System. “Oregon takes children away from their homes at a rate two times higher than the national average.” Youth Villages is hoping their intervention programs will help bring down that rate. In other states it’s done just that. One of their programs, pairs children at risk of being removed from their family with counselors. The counselors visit the families 2 to 3 times a week. “It literally did save our adoption.” Youth Villages serves more than 250 families a year across various states.

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  • Utah routinely implements Title IX changes to ensure student safety

    Amid the nationwide discussion surrounding gender non-discrimination and sexual misconduct at American universities, the University of Utah has taken a proactive approach to realign its Title IX policies. In addition to reviewing the policies of its Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX and Center for Student Wellness, the university has increased resources and centralized information about sexual misconduct reporting.

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  • Oregon's unique Title IX reporting policy gives autonomy to students

    Confidential points of contact allow victims to reach out about Title IX violations and sexual assault on their own terms. Following multiple incidents involving members of its basketball team, the University of Oregon has reconfigured its approach to Title IX with new policies that give victims control over when an incident is reported. The broader Title IX program defines expectations and sets norms surrounding sexual harassment and consent through educational programs, digital resources, a student hotline, and the designation of individuals as confidential points of contact.

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  • A different kind of court: How a Miami judge pioneered a new way of handling minor human trafficking cases

    Human trafficking has become an increasingly prevalent problem, especially in states such as Florida that host a large tourist population. To better serve the victims, Miami-Dade County has created a trauma-focused court that directs adolescents to support services rather than prostitution charges.

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  • Border communities refine tactics to deal with onslaught of fentanyl overdoses

    On the United States’ southern border, law enforcement are changing how they address drug overdoses. In places like Nogales, AZ, police are taking a public engagement approach, seeking to work with citizens to prevent overdoses, especially from fentanyl-laced drugs. They’re connecting more with the community, using foot patrol and knocking on doors, to gain more insight into the problem and how to prevent it.

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  • Surfing the Divide

    Surfing lessons are bridging racial divides and providing a therapeutic outlet for disadvantaged children in South Africa. In a society largely segregated by race, children in Cape Town’s black communities disproportionately suffer the traumatic effects of violence and poverty. Waves for Change, a nonprofit based in Muizenberg, uses surf therapy as a way to mentor and empower kids in Cape Town, helping to desegregate South Africa’s beach and surf culture in the process.

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  • Denver Health's ‘Treatment On Demand' Wants To Fast Track Addiction Help In The ER

    Nationwide, the United States is seeing a widespread addiction to opioid use. To combat addiction in Denver, Colorado the city is piloting a program that administers buprenorphine to combat addiction in conjunction with biopsychosocial assessments conducted by therapists.

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  • Women Are Using Their Personal Stories to Fight Abortion Stigma — and It's Working

    Abortion is often stigmatized, but women across the United States are finding that speaking out about their experiences is impacting the conversation in very tangible ways. From peer mentoring to changing the platforms of politicians, the women participating in the national movement is to change the conversation and enact policy change.

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  • If you die early, how will your children remember you? Audio icon

    Experiencing the death of a parent is oftentimes extremely traumatic, but an app created by a woman who personally experienced this type of loss, aims to bring some sense of help and closure for family members. Implementing a simple design and based on question prompts, the app known as RecordMeNow has been widely used and shown to specifically impact those diagnosed with terminal cancer as well as Motor Neurone Disease.

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  • Cómo funciona la carpintería La Huella, una cooperativa conformada por usuarios del Hospital Borda

    En 2013, 20 personas con padecimientos mentales del Hospital Borda (Buenos Aires, Argentina) fundaron “La Huella”, una cooperativa que funciona como carpintería y contribuye a la reinserción social y laboral de sus socios. "La Huella" lleva fabricados más de 500 muebles con diseño propio, además de haber realizado más de 400 servicios de restauración y reciclado de muebles a particulares, organizaciones públicas y privadas. La cooperativa no sólo impactó positivamente en los más de 20 usuarios del servicio público de salud mental, sino que también mejoró la vida de sus familias de la propia institución.

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